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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. I am one who had radiation and I do have extensive sclc. When I was diagnosed in Feb of 2001 I was told radiation was not an option also. I had chemo for 9 mos and was in remission for 1 yr. In Feb of 2003 I had a new tumor show up in the L lung, not a place that it had been origionally. The Dr decided to treat that tumor with radiation since there were no new signs of mets except that one area. The radiation I had was 5 x week times 6 weeks and also had 6 more months of chemo. I am at this time in remission. It has been 2 months since my last treatment. Hopefully this helps.
  2. Prayers have been answered. Great news.
  3. I TOTALLY agree! I am told my cancer is terminal BUT there are those out there with terminal diseases. Lots of people LIVE with their disease and so do we! I consider my cancer a chronic disease.
  4. Cheryl, I am so soory about Apache. I have a pug-Roxie that I can't imagine losing her. Animals are so accepting and they read our moods. She gets in my lap and just lays there when I am quiet. I know she would rather be running around playing but I know she feels what I going thru. I am sure it is the same with your horse. Prayers said to help Apache. Love Cindy PS when our hair grows in I want to ride with you and let the wind blow MY hair too.
  5. Cindy RN

    New Pic

  6. I am so sorry for your loss. He was too young. What a lovely memory-renewal of wedding vows. Very special.
  7. I hate to read about the battle you are in BUT please seek out a second opinion. There are so many different ideas and regimines of chemo that you might be able to try. You will feel better knowing you are doing all you can. We are praying for the Duke! Love Cindy
  8. Becky you have been in my prayers for along time but I will say special one for the pain and for good results from the bone scan. I know those pains always are a worry. Could they be mets or just a plain old normal pain. Good luck-love Cindy
  9. Tiny is right. I know right now you don't see it but time does help. One day you will be laughing about the good times. I still have panic type moments when I realise she is gone. But I know we did all we could do. We have great memories, you do to.
  10. I agree-encourage the ensure type liquids. Also see about getting the Dr to let him have some meds for his stomach-compazine, zofran. And for the diahrea try imodium or lomotil. The Dr can prescribe these and give instructions on there use. Good luck, also the sleeping is really normal. Tell the Dr about him not taking the antibiotic, there are others not so hard on the GI system.
  11. Cindy RN

    R ankle surgery

    Glad to post- I had the surgery on my R ankle to remove some of the hardware used to fix my leg that I fractured last Feb.-- all went great. The Dr only took the bottom 2 screws out because he was concerned the area left by the bone could cause stress fractures especially because of the recent past chemo. He said the bone was still slightly soft. So if I have loose screws again I guess he will fix it then. I am up walking (without the crutch when hubby isn't looking ) without to much pain, I have good ole darvocet. So Dr Sam you were right this was a breeze compared to somethings that have happened. Thanks for all the support and encouragement, I really needed it this time.
  12. JUDY JUDY JUDY It is so good to have you back again. Keep up the good work. Love ya Cindy
  13. Cindy RN

    I made it

    5 years! Oh what a feeling!!! When I was diagnosed I did not have too much life ins. So I took out 2 policies that say you must live 2 years to get the full amount of the policy upon the death. I hit those 2 years this month! We all love those ann. dates! CONGRATS!!
  14. Hey Ray-Maybe you should check your screws! Ha! Thank goodness it is JUST the leg
  15. Cindy RN


    Candy-I am sorry for your loss.
  16. Praying for your family. It is difficult with 2 having cancer.
  17. It's called nerves! I know the feeling about different size clothes!
  18. I have heard the 'loose screws' thing several times now Thanks for all the concern. I hope Sam is right. I am now getting my strength back and do NOT want to have to sit around anymore!
  19. Thanks, I just buzzed off a message too. Cindy
  20. Cindy RN


    Fantastic keep it up
  21. Well I am doing fairly well now 2 mos into remission (Love that word), I was putting lotion on my legs and felt these rock hard bumps on my r ankle. This is where they fixed my leg I broke last Feb with a plate and 7 screws. Went to the Dr and had an xray and it showed the screws were backing out. Now I have to go in and have them removed. Dr said it will be under a general and should only take 10 min. then I can go home after an hr or 2. Now I wonder how long before I can walk again?? Last time it was more than 6 weeks. Hopefully it won't be that long again. I will keep you updated afterwards. Love you all. Cindy
  22. I had the pneumo shot in 2000 and just got my flu shot last week at the Dr office. I feel fine so far. Arm was stiff for a few days.
  23. Fungus schmungus!! Who can tackle this--ANYONE that has dealt with cancer will squeesh that fungus stuff!! Good news. Amazing we cheer for some of the worst things. My orthopedic Dr said the problems with my leg are nothing compared to the cancer I have had. I told him 'what cancer? My leg is what hurts! !!" Good Luck!
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