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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Zofran is a strong anti-emetic and then compazine is a good one too. Most Drs will give you scripts for these if you ask. Then keep them for times when you get nauseated. They work great. Also there is a suppository-given rectally called phenergan. Ask about these too.
  2. The camptosar had been just approved for sclc a few months before my diagnosis. It was tested in Japan and they had fantastic results with it. Long survival rates were observed. Go for it!
  3. Cindy RN

    in need of help

    Keep those spirits high as long as there are treatments he can have. I dread the day I am told you have used up everything! You are in my prayers. Gods cure is not temporary.
  4. Prayers going up for Earl and you. Love ya, Cindy
  5. Norme Norme Norme, I had to say it three times! Like Hip hip hip horay. The news sounds great. I know it sounds like some of the treatments were not warrented but maybe God used them to change everything around to good news??? I will leave a message on me in sclc or general to catch up. Prayers are with you both
  6. I agree-it is wrong to let mistakes slip by the wayside. All of us are someones mom, sister, wife, hubby, etc. We are important and those Drs better wake up and re-read the reports!!
  7. Cindy RN

    My Poor mom

    Insist on a brain scan-or MRI which is actually better I understand. Good luck
  8. You are right, the hair falling out bothers some of us because it 'shows' people you are 'sick'. The actual falling out did not bother me too much, I actually sat outside with the dog and 'shed' Your mom by having her hair cut off seems to be handling that well. I know from experience, I hate it when my family tries to get me to stop and rest when they think I should. I don't know if I will be here for the next family reunion, or wedding or cook-out so I enjoy it to the fullest and nap for a few days. As long as she is able to attend and enjoy these functions encourage her to.
  9. Yeah!!! Cheryl-So glad to hear it went well. Hope you are up 'running' soon!!
  10. Hey Sam-Just got back online today. We do understand the feeling of "the jig is up" but I know you still have hope. We do too. Hang in. Cindy
  11. I am so sorry about the loss of your mom. I know from experience-losing a mom-IS losing your best friend
  12. Cindy RN

    Ada Waddell

    All I could do is sit and cry. I hate it when someone we have had on here for so long dies. I hope her family knows what they meant to her. Love and prayers to them. Good bye Ada
  13. In 1993 my mom decided she wanted to pick out burial spots! What an ordeal. We went to the township office and looked at what spots were available. She did not want near a tree because the roots grow underground! She had to have it a certain way. I told her I was glad she was doing this because I would not have made her happy! THEN she made me pick spots close by so we would all be close! She always had to have the last word! My mom never gave up. She wanted things done so we didn't have to do them. I think everyone is different. Moms like to make things easy on their kids.
  14. I picked up the medicare part B, It costs about $50 I think, and my husband has insurance thru work. I should not have to much out of pocket expences now. I hope!!
  15. Glad no major damge! You live in a wonderful area. I used to live in Norfolk, VA. I went thru several hurricanes while out there. 1974 to 1985. Now back in the land of the corn and soy beans! Just tornadoes around here!
  16. I don't know what to say, I am sad at this moment. Prayers are being said for the both of you. Live life to the fullest now, enjoy each other. Cindy
  17. Fay-You sound like things are going great!! Congrats! As for the hair-I have had mine fall out 2 different times, the first time in April 2001 I told my kids I was going to have 2 eyes tatooed on the back of my head-Then when the hair grew back in I could say, "I have eyes on the back of my head", and nobody would be able to see them. Ha! I did not do it but I sure thought about it. I am the last person you would think had a tatoo. BUT since the cancer I HAVE thought about it.
  18. Welcome Bob-I know it is overwhelming right now. Just take it one day at a time and keep coming back-this is a great place for info. Cindy
  19. Cindy RN

    Update on Lucie

    How wonderful to feel normal! Great news.
  20. Wonderful news. Tell her we are all thrilled!!
  21. Cindy RN


    Please do not think you have no place here. You ARE hope. So many here are going thru what you did. You are still here. That says it all.
  22. Cindy RN

    My sign

    Amen. We are still here!
  23. Cindy RN

    First cold!?

    You are NOT a wimp!! Anytime I get 'something' like a cold I do call the Dr-I do not want pneumonia!! Call the Dr and let him/her know, sometimes they want you on antibiotics to prevent any further problems. Keep the tissues handy aahhchoooo.
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