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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Cindy RN

    Judy B

    Tell your mother to hang in!! I KNOW she will be back soon posting! We all are praing for her.
  2. Cindy RN

    What next?

    Hi-You are right to come to this section for info on sclc. The stomach problem may be from the accumulated effects of the chemo. It builds up in the system as you go along. I had the same problem. As for the types of chemo used I would question your oncologist about the drugs he choose. Every Dr is different but some are more up on the newest combinations of chemo. It is never too late to get a second opinion. Come back often with question or a just a place to vent. There is a caregivers forum on here you might find helpful. Lotsa luck
  3. Cindy RN

    Johnny Cash

    Did this song come out before or after his wife died??
  4. Let your husband do this. I know from watching mine he WANTS to do things like this for me-they are so limited as to what they can do for us.
  5. Knowing the medical community-hire an attorney. They are the only ones to be able to get the answers you want. Good luck.
  6. I totally agree. The time frame is too far apart. Plus don't believe what they say about time frames. Too many people get a few months and live for years, read thru the posts here. Hope they get rid of the clot. Is she on blood thinners now? Good luck
  7. I have you all in my prayers. Wish there was a magic wand I could wave and make you all feel better. You are being thought of.
  8. Sam-My medical buddy! Glad you were able to post. I understand about the retirement and going on disability. I did it and now I am thinking maybe I will be able to return to work but that will be in the future when I get my strength back Hope the next few weeks show an improvement for you. Cindy
  9. Cindy RN

    Judy B

    Tell your mom we are praying for her and the surgery coming up. She is such a support person on here. Thanks for keeping us updated.
  10. Some of us were discussing different cancer markers and this site shows different markers for different types of cancers http://cis.nci.nih.gov/fact/5_18.htm
  11. http://cis.nci.nih.gov/fact/5_18.htm Try this site for different markers for different types of cancer.
  12. Welcome, glad you found us. One thing you can do is check out online what other sites say is the common choice of treatment for your type of cancer and stage. Go to yahoo or google.com and type in the type of cancer and see where it takes you. I learned alot those first weeks by doing this. DO NOT BELIEVE THE PROGNOSIS. They don't know those of us with hope!
  13. Connie I am SO glad to have you back, even if it is short post here and there. Sounds like you still have a rough road ahead of you. Keep us updated. Love and prayers
  14. Let the hubby spoil you. It is nice As for calling the Dr to much. I had periods where something was wrong and all I did was worry. THEN finally call. I decided it is not worth worrying so I just call and let the Dr decide if he needs to see me. That is what he gets all my money for.
  15. Donna-I will have to do some checking. I know all Dr are different. I just did not realise that the CEA levels were associated with the sclc. Anyone out there with info on this? Thanks, Cindy
  16. When they diagnosed me the first time I was symptom free. When I had my reoccurance I was still free of symptoms. Ask the Dr about the scans again and what it shows. Good Luck.
  17. OOOOOHHHHHH I hate to wait when it comes to things like this. Prayers are with you for patience.
  18. My understanding with sclc the only way it is measured is-limited or extensive. Limited meaning to one area and extensive is it has spread to other organs, ex. liver, adrenal gland, brain, etc. I was told by my oncologist that the LDH usually increases with the increase in the cancer. He gets an LDH with each regular bld work up. My LDH is always high but the only time it increased was when the sclc had spread to the L lung last Feb. Hope this helps some.
  19. Whatever it is----HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!!
  20. How much is each semester?? Where is this school? I need to send my hubby!!
  21. Remote control?? As a teen I had not even HEARD of that! Scored TOO high!!
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