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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Cindy RN

    Clean Scan

    Always concentrate on the good. He can talk!! He will regain his strength too. Good luck!
  2. Cindy RN


  3. Keep the positive attitude. As for the PET you can always ask. Just ask the Dr -mine usually does whatever it takes to help my mind at ease. You keep the faith-I know you have it!
  4. Gina, I still have both lungs so unsure of any difference. You two flying around the plane is hilarious! I flew last week for my sons wedding and like said already no room to moveor SIT! YOU tho are a little thing me on the other hand can barely get the seat belt on Oh well I agree with the not freaking out due to nicotine fits. Made for a much easier flight. HAVE FUN
  5. YOU HAVE the attitude it takes to keep on keeping on!!! I hate it that you are back under these circumstances. BUT we can always use smiling faces and good attitudes here. I agree waitressing is rough I have done that in my past.
  6. Cindy RN

    Cat Scan

    Dave- I know the feeling-wait wait. Like you I always figured if there was something wrong they would call me in early. As for the pain. I get alot of pain midsternal and to the R around where the primary was. The Dr said it is arthritis caused by the 1st rounds of chemo?? All the scans say nothing there so who knows. prayers with you
  7. Try to stay calm. I know that easy to say. So many of the meds we take can effect the electrolytes. I am sure they just want to recheck it and treat the high pot. if it is still high. Treatment is MORE meds.
  8. I was told to use TED hose last yr when I some trouble with the swelling. Ask the DR to see if he/she thinks that might help? Good Luck.
  10. Wish I could help. No experience with those. Maybe you could ask the nurses on the oncology unit. They deal with this type of problem I am sure.
  11. I had cisplatin and camptosar the first go around with chemo and I was in 1 year of remission after that. Then I had reccurence in the L lung and did 6 mos of carboplatin and VP-16. I have been 1 mos free of chemo this time-remission-what a nice word. You can ask about the camptosar. I understand they have had good results with it. I did.
  12. Someone may be able to post the side effects here. I have no experience with this drug. Call your Dr about the increase in weakness. He needs to know this.
  13. So sorry about your loss. You honor him with pushing for patients rights. Good Luck
  14. Each chemo agent is different as is each Dr. I had cisplatin 1 x a month and camptosar 1 x week with 1 week off then would restart with the cisplatin. I did it for 6 mos and the Dr reevaluated how it worked and decided I had such good results and my health was good he did an additional 3 mos. I have read studies that say 6 mos was as good as 9 mos so they do not recommend 9 mos anymore. Oh well, I went with what my Dr said. I have to trust his judgement. The second go around with chemo a year later I had carboplatin and VP-16 3 x week 1 and off for 3 weeks then redid it for 6 mos this time. Also I had radiation the second time because there was just 1 new tumor and he said he was treating it like a primary tumor. Like I said everyone is different. Hope this helps.
  15. Since she is a limited stage, mine was extensive. My understanding is they usually do radiation early on thru the chemo. If the chemo did well enough maybe he has decided she did not need it now and save it to use another time if there is a reoccurance. BEST thing to do is TALK with the DR. He needs to explain why he held off doing it sooner and if he does not want to do it now then he needs to explain why. Good luck
  16. Make sure you TRUST this DR. I agree Iressa is not usually used as a first response drug. I have sclc so my treatment is different than those of you with nsclc, but from reading others treatment protocals on this board they usually have 2 drugs used for several months. Most of them are pretty smart Please check out other avenues or talk with the Dr you are seeing about this. Good Luck, Cindy
  17. Hi Tam Tam, Lots of support and info here. This disease is not one you can go thru by yourself. Come here often. Cindy
  18. Susan- Prayers are going up now---Lord be with Susan and her family at this time of decisions that need to be made. Be with each of them and let them see what you would have for them to do. Take away the pain her mother is having. We trust you can do this just like the woman who touched Jesus's hem of his clothing. She was healed because of her faith. Lord we ask that you be with them all at this time. In His Name. Amen
  19. I like the part where today is the only day so we can not be sad that we have left our loved ones. You caregivers have it the hardest. You have to be here when those of us with this disease may go on before you. I loved the poem. Cindy
  20. We all have a person like your friend that helped us thru the initial period. Thanks God for those people. I had a fellow from our church that sat by my bedside that first week and I guess we talked for several hours. I do not recall it but he tells me we did. Three weeks earlier he was brought into the ER I worked in, in the midst of a heart attack. Lots of prayers and medical intervention saved him. He tells me he remembers me being there and he was not as frightened since he knew me. I hope we each take the time to be there for another person in trouble. It always comes back around.
  21. So sorry for your loss. One thing you can do to honor him is to spread the word! Seek second and third opinions, I am a nurse and I know we all want to believe Drs are all good and in the practice for mans wellbeing. Believe me I have seen some bad Drs. I pray for your family for the peace you deserve.
  22. So sorry for your loss. He sounds like a very good man.
  23. Cindy RN

    Random fate

    I had a friend Nita that was just beside herself when I was diagnosed with cancer. She was crying and I kept telling her I was not dead yet. I then told her that she would probably be dead before me! That seemed to break the mood and she laughed and things went back to normal within a few weeks. About one yr later she and her boyfriend were riding his motorcycle and had an accident. She lived for about 3 days. I have never forgotten that conversation. We DO NOT KNOW when we will die. If not cancer then something else. I feel luckythat I have learned that I need to cherish the time I have now. Most people go thru life worrying about insignificant things, not me , Hopefully that is one thing all of us have learned.
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