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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Welcome. Glad you here-hate the reasons but there is lots of support here and we ALL think alot of your mother. Hope it is just arthritis. Funny how we look at other diseases as being minor compared to the cancer we are dealing with.
  2. Well we got back to good ole' Robinson late Sunday. My son Paul was married on Saturday in Charlotte, NC. The wedding and reception went grrrrrreat. I am so exhausted tho. I did well thru the days we were there. So God did give me the strength for what I needed to do. Now He says REST!! I still can not believe he is married I really feel old now. My 25 yo son-a husband Roxie (my pug baby) dressed in her bridal dress and the brides 2 dogs were dressed in tuxes. It was priceless. The only free thing about this wedding. Thank goodness it is the brides family who signs most of the checks. Anyway-wanted to hi to all and that we had a very nice time. Glad to be back.
  3. My mom took the powdered type and I mixed it in her oj every morning. She had nsclc with mets to the brain. When she died the lung cancer was in remission, it was the brain mets that she died from. I choose not use it. I hated the smell of it. I guess it is up to the person AND their sense of smell
  4. Cindy RN


  5. Thanks!! I did not have this, Cindy
  6. Contact the hospital you are having chemo done at and ask about hospice. They will have the names of them in your area. Then call them. Ask them about the medicare coverage. I think everyone is different depending on their diagnosis and prognosis. They do help with a lot of things but I do know they help the family learn how to care for the patient. Good luck.
  7. The ambien is a sleeping pill to take at bedtime, The prozac is an antidepressant and should be taken as ordered by the DR. Some people take 10 mg everyday some 20 mg, some 40 mg etc. And the ativan is for breakthrough anxiety or panic attacks. It should be used only then. If he is taking that one too often then I would make sure the Dr knows. He may want to increase the antidepressant. Good Luck.
  8. SHORDY I am so sorry. I do know how hard it is to have a parent die. My love and prayers goes out for you. Cindy
  9. Well everyone else is putting their beliefs here so I will too. I know that God created this world and that His Son was with Him when He did it. I know that Jesus was born and was the Messiah who was foretold of for hundreds of years. I know that Jesus took ALL the sins upon Himself at the cross and they died with Him that day. Three days later He rose from the dead and was ALIVE. NO other 'religion' has a 'savior' who has come back to life and seen by hundreds afterwards. He ministered to His following at that time and on the day He returned to Heaven He stated he was going to prepare a place for US. All we had to do is to believe in who He is and be baptised . It is life changing ordeal. I know that my life has meaning here. I know that God had a plan for me and that I am fulfilling it now. I don't have a big TV show to preach this and am not a famous person BUT my life has helped others. I try to live the life that Jesus wanted me to. I pray that others out there will be able to understand this truth and have the peace I have. I was only given a few months with treatment back in 2/2001. I am still here telling others that God is not finished with me yet so I am still hanging around. I know I will see my mother and grandparents and the baby I miscarried so many years ago. I know where I will be after I leave this home for a permanent home.
  10. I am leaving tomorrow for Charlotte NC for my little boy's wedding I do like his wife to be tho I will be back home next Sunday. I hope all goes well. KATIE_I will cont. to pray for your dad. He is so special. Pray for me. I cry like a baby at weddings on TV, Imagine what I will be like
  11. Cindy RN

    mom is gone

    So sorry. Losing a mom is so hard, I lost mine to nsclc in July 1994. May God be with you. Hold onto Him tightly.
  12. I can not say I know what you are feeling. I have heard that losing one of your children is the most difficult thing to go thru. Our prayers are with you.
  13. Hey we are among the elite group of the 'EMPTY HEADS". Enjoy.
  14. Cindy RN

    Dad Passed

    I am so sorry for your loss. Stick around here, you may need to vent some. Don't try to go thru this alone.
  15. I was on the same two chemos. The cisplatin is hard on the kidneys so I had to stay in overnight to flush them with lots of IV fluids. I did well. Was in remission for 1 yr after this treatment.
  16. I understand exactly what you are going thru. My mom had lung cancer and died in 1994. I was so pulled between helping care for her and my young family. Hubby was wonderful. Now I am going thru the same cancer. I was diagnosed in Feb of 2001 with sclc and started on cisplatin and camptosar for 9 mos. I was in remission for 1 yr afterwards. Then is reoccured and was on carboplatin and vp-16 for 6 mos. I am now back in remission for almost a month. As for pain I really don't have much except stress headaches and I have several different pain pills for them. The ms contin 10 mg is the best one for bedtime for me. I wake without the headache usually. So sorry you are in this position. Feel free to post anytime. Cindy
  17. Cindy RN

    Scans all clean

    To all of you I don't know how I did this before I found this forum of other survivors and their families. YOU are all inspirations!
  18. Cindy RN

    Dear friends-

    ((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))) Prayers being sent .
  19. Cindy RN

    Scans all clean

    I had my CT of the chest and abd., bld work and MRI of the brain done Tues. and got the results today. ALL clean, the last tumor in the L lung is a dense mass now (scar tissue) so I am back in remission. The headaches I have been having he thinks are due to the fevers that have been around for several months. Next month he wants an echocardiogram to see if there may be a fungal infection in the valves of the heart. But otherwise the story is great. My hemoglobin is low so I will start on the procrit shots for a few months. Just wanted to pass on my GOOD NEWS!! I am now at 2 yrs and 7 mos. since my diagnosis. Best 2 and 1/2 yrs. ever. Thank you Jesus.
  20. Thanks God for answered prayers.
  21. ((((((((((Sue))))))))))) We all dread that visit for results when they tell us, "it's not what I wanted to see." I know how it is being brave for the family. Us mom's are goos at that.
  22. I can not imagine being her age and going thru all of this. I am 46 and after the radiation last spring I was so weak. It can do that. I can now get up off the floor again.
  23. Hate to here the news but be glad there are places like the one you described. I would want my baby to come stay with me too. (The kids think she out ranks them too. My puggy roxy)
  24. Dear Peg and Bill, I know you were devastated to get that news. I am praying that God will give the peace and comfort only He can give to you both and the family. Love Cindy
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