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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Kathy I am SO JEALOUS!!!! Just kiddin I am so glad you all are doing well. The beach used to be my favorite place. We always went to VA Beach. Lots for the kids to do there. Have a GREAT time!!
  2. Hello-Sorry you had to come here but this is the place to be for info and LOTS of support.
  3. DO NOT give up hope! I was diagnosed Feb. 2001 with sclc (oat cell) and went thru 9 mos of chemo 1 year remission, then a relapse and I just finished 6 more mos of chemo. I am still here 2 yrs and 7 mos. later. I usually feel pretty good. I don't think I will ever be up to 100% but that is OK! The day they did the biopsies the surgeon told my family it was wide spread and with treatment maybe 6 mos. SO DO NOT give up hope. There are others here with similar stories. Tell hospice to take a hike!
  4. Cindy RN


    GREAT job! We can not just sit around-you are a great example. God uses each of in a different way. As for me---I can not hit the stupid ball!! Tried for a few years but if I did hit it it went the wrong way. Life is to short to want KILL that white ball! Again great job!
  5. Cathy I read your post and cried. I am so sorry for your loss. Words can not express our feeling for you and your family. God bless you and your family in this time. Love Cindy
  6. Cindy RN


    I TOTALLY understand your problem. I have 5 cats -all outside now. 1 little sweet cuddly precious PUG.( My 3rd daughter) I had the bug guy come out several years ago and he did the yard AND the house, he said it would last 2-3 yrs usually. It has been 5 yrs and still no fleas. I do use the stuff monthly on my puggy and on the cats they are out all day then go the garage at night. GOOD LUCK
  7. Connie, You are in ALL of our prayers. Get better FAST and get back on these boards!! Love Cindy
  8. I agree with the others. Every chemo agent has a different infusion time and many side effects. 2 yrs. ago the cisplatin I received kept me in the hospital overnight. The other one camptosar was a quick one. This go around I am on different ones with different infusion times. Keep us updated.
  9. I have never heard of surgery on sclc but I guess we all learn something new. I was told that surgery could be done BUT it would be like chasing a ping pong ball. You get rid of one spot and it pops up somewhere else. I had several areas of mets when mine was found so the Dr said it really was not an option for me. Bengel, CONGRATS on making 2 yrs! It feels good to keep beating the odds! God is good!
  10. Cindy RN

    Fantastic News

    Keep the good news coming!
  11. If anyone deserves good news it is you 2!!
  12. What great news. Here's to ALL of us getting the same report someday
  13. I agree with the others. I think of my cancer as a chronic disease, that maybe God will totally heal for me In the mean time I just do what the Dr says and try to go on with my life. In Feb. 2001 was diagnosed with sclc in the R lung, inbetween the lungs, around the vessels of the heart and in the L adrenal gland. After 9 mos of chemo it was all scar tissue according to the PET scan. I went 1 year without a relapse and in Feb. 2003 it returned in the L lung. I have just finished 6 mos of chemo again and the worst part of it is how TIRED I get. I am 46 now so I am sure it is harder on anyone older. I hate feeling like I am sleeping my life away. IT IS BETTER than last week tho. You go thru lots of little steps and some big ones but if you can keep her spirits good and looking to the future she will definitly do better.
  14. Cindy RN

    Very tired

    I am asking those of you who have been here for awhile to say an extra prayer for me. I had chemo all of last week and am still so tired I can't stay awake more than 3-4 hrs. I usually bounce back fairly quickly but this time seems different. I am still running a temp-low grade and am on antibiotics for it. Just need the energy back. Thanks for all of you. Love Cindy
  15. I will be keeping you all in my prayers. Hope the new chemo does the trick!
  16. Cindy RN

    for my mom

    Please do not stop believing in prayer. It is our way of letting our Father know ours needs. He will ultimately answer all of them. I will be praying for her and you for the strength to get thru this. Cindy
  17. I too filed in Feb. 2001 for disability. They made me wait the 6 mos period to make sure the disability is permanent. I waited til Aug then the first chk came in Sept. 2001. No back pay tho. We barely made it. God Bless the government
  18. Cindy RN

    Needing Hope

    Carleen I wish so much for you 2! You are stressing too much at work right now. Tell them to let up. I see my hubby in your shoes. Caregivers are so strong. We love you for it! Cindy
  19. Tim We can all do this!! I see your pic with the baby and I know you have it in you. I believe! It is possable. Love Cindy
  20. Listen to the Dr. I had almost 9 mos of chemo the first go around and then went to every 2 mos CT and saw the Dr every month with labs only. They found a new tumor 1 yr later BUT I had 1 full yr of remission and no chemo during that time. I had a hard time the first few mos getting used to being non-assertive but it got easy fast!! Good luck! Great news!
  21. Cindy RN

    Bone Mets

    Ada-I hate hearing this. I too have been well during most of my 2 1/2 yr battle so it is easy to think, "me?? sick??" Heres praying the treatments will work and we can both cont. here for many yrs to come.
  22. Congradulations!!!!!!!!! Your future is Bright
  23. Mainecoon I am so sorry. I saw the post on another forum about your wife. This is a hard cancer to deal with, it is so fast growing. I must say she looked great in your photo! I finished my third day of this months chemo treatments. I am tired but that is normal for me-Catch up later. Cindy
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