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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. I just caught this posting. I am so sorry-As you know I also have sclc. I have to watch my husband worry about me everyday. I know he feels the same as you. PLEASE know that your wife probably felt the same way I feel. Do not grieve, remember the good things and always know you will be with her someday. God promised us that!
  2. I have had computer problems for 2 weeks! They were finally fixed last night I have been to Charlotte NC to my son's. His wedding is planned on Sept 6th so I attended the wedding shower while I was out there. I returned home and went straight into the hospital. I had acute bronchitis, my hubby said he thinks it was the 'recycled air' in the plane, AND I overdid it while there. Oh well, had a GREAT time. I see the Dr today for the followup and should resume chemo on Wed thru Fri. I will check in often. I am so sorry to see we have lost some of our people in the last few weeks and I see a few have developed metastisis. Not what we want to hear. Prayers are out for all. Love Cindy
  3. I see how hard it is on the caregivers. I have said many times it is easier being the patient! Kathy you are in my prayers!
  4. Ray I am so sorry. We just got the computer back online last night so this is the first I have been on. In the end all we can ask for is family to be there and a peaceful entrance into heaven. Cindy
  5. Get those dancing shoes warmed up!
  6. Cindy RN

    Feeling good

    I wanted to let you all know I am doing fairly well. I had my chemo for the month and have gone thru my 'tired' period, I hope. I am starting to stay awake more than sleep at this point. I actually dusted my family room, swept and mopped the kitchen and do not feel like I should be asleep. Now if I can get my girls to vacum, the house would look normal again. That is one thing that has bugged me more than anything after I got sick. I had been spoiled for years. After I graduated from nursing school I hired a lady (Betty) to clean house for me every Fri. WOW. I did one thing for ME!! It was great. She worked for us for 12 yrs til she retired. Then I found out about the cancer and was not able to work. I lost my one luxury, Betty!! My girls clean BUT never the way I would do it. NOW I can't do it very often and then only one room at a time. Here I have rambled on and on. It is funny what once seemed so important I have learned to overlook. I still would love to have the house cleaned, all of it at one time.
  7. We all care what you are going thru. You need to try and get on here everyday and just write to your hearts content all about what you are feeling. Nobody expects you to get past this in a few weeks. I can't imagine what it is like for you spouses. My prayers are with you.
  8. Cindy RN

    Very Moving!

    Remember that prayers can be said at anytime and anyplace. I believe that we ask our Lord for healing, believeing He has done it. Keep going and praying for those little miracles.
  9. Cindy RN

    Brain Scan

    The brain scan whether a CT or MRI neither is painful. Reassure him. Hope he can find peace thus giving you all some too. DAVID you wear me out! You and that bicycle, I would drop over blue at the end of my block if I rode 100 ft. One of these days maybe I will breathe like you.
  10. The only choice we do have is to fight. Hope and prayers are the way we do it.
  11. Love to hear he WANTED to eat. I have not had that problem, oh well been well endowed all my life. I will make my post short!. Good Luck.
  12. Cindy RN

    1st Post

    Hate to see how many are added each day BUT good there is a place to be- Katie is right. You become family here.
  13. Have not heard of him but after you get what he wants to do get on here and let us know. We all like to know what other Dr are doing for this terrible disease!
  14. I must agree there are some really cool people here and we all do care.
  15. Sounds better, doesn't it. Good luck.
  16. Please know you are in our prayers and maybe the new treatments are the answer. Keep us updated. Lve Cindy
  17. Cindy RN

    News on Dick

    This is the place to vent and ask for miracles and prayer. We are a praying bunch here. Good luck. Cindy
  18. HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN, THE SKY IS BLUE AND CLEAR AGAIN. So glad to see your spirits back up there soaring again. God works very quickly sometimes.
  19. Gianna, please send our love to your mom. We are all so sorry about this. I pray that the next weeks go smoothly and that you all find peace and gratitude in knowing him. Prayers are with you. Love Cimdy
  20. Stick around, I also have sclc since 2/2001 and have leaned and been carried by the Lord thru out this ordeal. I love hearing when He does miraculous cures with sclc. Thanks!!
  21. Joanie-I wish I could say something about the old friends. Pre-cancerous ones. Most do not know what to do. Once in awhile I get a call-how are you, do you need something. It sounds more like quilt instead of concern. BUT I have new precious friends from church. So many of them have had members in their families die of cancer in the last few years and they check in me, bring food and just visit. I love them all. Try getting in a support group, a grief counseling group or a group at a local church and put yourself out there. It can not HURT. Love ya! Cindy
  22. Cindy RN

    Intensive Care

    Lord God-Please help us to remember what a great and forgiving God you are. We thank You for the many blessings that we tend to forget about when trouble times hit. I am asking for the power to help Fresca's mom who is in critical shape now. Touch her with the miracle we know You can give. Give her the strenght to stand by with her mom and be a strength for her whole family. We thank you Jesus for the resurection and the forgiveness of sins. In your precious name. Amen
  23. Prayers being sent for all those with tests upcoming. The Lord hears them all.
  24. Cindy RN

    Very Moving!

    The one I went to had a small group of about 4 others besides me. They annointed me with oil and began praying, praying with all they had. I was moved. I did feel things I had not felt for a long time. I believe it was the Holy Spirit moving in me. It lasted about an hour and I recall leaving feeling SOOO clean. I do want to go again.
  25. ALWAYS take good news and RUN with it! Good Luck.
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