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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. I still love seeing your pic with the baby. Makes tears well up. I have 1 young one at home-not that young, she is 17 and was 14 when I was diagnosed. I hope your scan is just what your hubby wants.
  2. Cindy RN


    Sounds like things are going well. I laughed about your mom saying nobody tells her to lose weight. ME NEITHER, all my life I fought the battle of the bulge. Now no one cares about the weight
  3. I get that same one but also the carboplatin, 3 days straight then the rest of the month off. The carboplatin is not nearly as rough as the cisplatin. I ended up with the neuropathy in both feet.
  4. Cindy RN


    I am doing all right. Had 1st day of chemo today and no problems except that stupid steriod they give in the premed injection. I get so hyped I can't sleep well I feel like I look like this little guy-bug eyed-ha. When I had radiation to the esophogus area last spring I got some liquid med called 'magic mouthwash' it had some lidocaine in it so it numbed the throat-made it easier to swallow. It also had some type of antibiotic in it. Hope you get some relief
  5. PLEASE try and learn this one thing!!!!!!!!!! Those with cancer are LIVING WITH CANCER, we are not dying of cancer. We all know some day we will all leave here and go onto an eternal life elsewhere. I remember having to watch mom those last months but she did it with dignity and we followed her que. You too will learn to live with this. Not an easy thing and everyone needs to vent. This is a good place to do it. Your mom's Dr gave a 'safe' answer. 1-2 years is a guess. He has no idea really how long any of his patients have. Your mom probably has an idea about her condition. I always have. Good luck
  6. Cindy RN


    What is the sore throat from? I have not had that problem.
  7. Just a quick note to see how everyones 4th went. Mine was good. Also I am in chemo the next 3 days so I may not be around. Hope you all have a good week. Those of you (Katie, and others) who have test results coming make sure you post them. You are all in my prayers.
  8. I love the blonde jokes. My husband says I am one.
  9. Cindy RN

    My Mom

    On July 5th, 1994 my mom, my best friend, and my kids grandma died of nsclc after 1 1/2 yrs of fighting it. I still to this day have a hard time with the 4th of July. I try each year to have cook-outs or something special so we all get thru it. This year was good also. My son came home from Charlotte and 'All my Children' were here. Thanks to all of you on these boards.
  10. You were right. Some of the posts have been rough. This disease has it's moments that gets to us al. I too had a great weekend. Here's to LOTS more HAPPY WEEKS!!!
  11. Cindy RN

    Sick feeling

    Jay Ok--share the little nause guy. He is so cute. You need to get the anti-nausea meds. Compazine or Zofran. Hope you are better soon.
  12. Hope you get the rest you need. I do know the feeling of being tired of being tired. Sometimes my 'backside' gets sore from sitting.
  13. I am sure your mom is glad you are there. Prayers are being said you you and yours.
  14. You are doing just what a parent needs. You are there. Our prayers are with you.
  15. Debbie Remember there is always hope. Your mom needs to have a break once in awhile. I know. God bless.
  16. Don Glad Lucie is doing well. You sound like my hubby. He has said several times it is like waiting for the other shoe to fall. I go barefoot so I do not WORRY
  17. I agree with you. I think of death as a seperation, they are waiting for us in heaven. No pain no misery no tears.
  18. Call your Dr and see if he/she will allow Ted Hose. They feel so good when I have had trouble with my legs swelling.
  19. I agree with the others. Time to find a new Dr. You could call the Dr and double check he said that. Sometimes (I often do this) we don't recall what they said and get it mixed up. TOO much to remember
  20. Cindy RN

    Peggy H's Nieces

    Such a tragedy. Young mothers are very special. The children are being lifted up prayers.
  21. Hi Jennifer, Good to hear the news. That is one thing about sclc...it may grow very fast but it also responds quickly to chemo. About the ONLY good thing I can say about this type of CA.
  22. YIPEEEE! Great news!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Cindy RN

    My first chemo

    JAY You can not imagine how much we do care about you. What you wrote came straght from your heart and it is soooo obvious to most of us you are hurting way too much NOT to have a good therapist. You are right you need to talk to your dad. I said earlier he needs time but he does need to be there for you 2 kids..Hopefully you can get this worked out with him. You remain in my prayers.
  24. Sorry to hear about you friend. The PET scan is similar to a CT scan instead you have a radiographic dye that has glucose in it. Cancer cells for some reason love the sugar and it goes to those areas and lights up if the cells are living. I had one 1 1/2 yrs ago and showed some of the cancer as scar tissue. As for the fevers, I don't know why but I have run one off and on for several months. I have been on antibiotics but it just continues. Never real high tho.
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