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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Cindy RN

    The 7UP's

    Wonderful post. You said it all!
  2. It is amazing how love can make us do the impossible. You must love your parents immenselly.
  3. Cindy RN

    My first chemo

    Jay! Glad you got thru your first treatment. Just think! All that chemo is already working on those awful cancer cells If you do not want to see that therapist tell them you want a women. I am sure they will accomadate. You keep on trying with your dad. I know at your age and the sickness you want her (your mom) and need her. Right now your dad lost his wife and his son is in chemo. He probably is not sure exactly what to do for you. Just keep talking and tell him your feelings. You are in my prayers. God is there with you.
  4. WELL we grow the ugliest, scariest nasty bugs that JUMP at you. YUK! They have long legs like a spider BUT are built like a cricket. I HATE THEM I want to send them all to Australia or even Texas. Illinois should not have awful bugs
  5. Cindy RN


    The Cisplatin has neuropathy as a big side-effect. Is she only getting the cisplatin 1 time per month. No other chemo agent?
  6. Prayers have been said. The veins get so bad after chemo. Most people have a port put in but I know you should not use it for the dye for a CT. I would check on not using the dye. I don't know about that. They have to use the vein in the elbow now. OUCH BUT at least it still works.
  7. Dave- I know how these days can creep up on us! You need more rest with your treatments than you did before. Not much you can do except let it happen. I am more tired and weak now, than I was 4 mos ago, when I started this round of chemo. It is a cumulative effect of those poisons that do it. BUT--it is the poison that kills off those pesky ca cells! Let your wife spoil you some! You WILL fell better soon.
  8. Cindy RN

    Answered Prayers

    Prayers were heard and ANSWERED. I LOVE getting good reports. The CT on Friday showed the tumor (that was baseball size in Feb.) in the L lung was about quarter size, no new areas and no pnuemonia. Dr said the coughing and shortness of breath is probably from the radiation I had in Feb and March. I have 2 more months of chemo and then see what the CT shows. Thanks for the prayers!
  9. The aspirin and Motrin would be slight blood thinners and always need a Dr approval if you are on chemo. I have been on Celebrex for arthritic pain that started after 6 mos of chemo in 2001. At first I was put on Viox but I had side effects such as swelling especially in the legs and hands and increased blood pressure. Then switched to Celebrex, it works as well as the Viox and no side effects. Good luck.
  10. Every little bit helps!
  11. Loise----Please take the time to read thru the posts on these pages. All of us, patients or caregivers felt the same at the beginning. WHAT ME? Then it changes. All of us then deal with cancer differently. Emotionally and physically. Just try and take your cues from him and each day WILL come easier. Come here whenever you need to talk.
  12. You should have an American Legion or VFW in your town. Most of these clubs have medical equipment, usually you just pay a deposit then when you are finished with it -return it. I had to get a wheelchair, a walker and a lift chair (back when I broke my leg) and that's all we did. Good luck.
  13. Cindy RN

    CT Results

    Prayers were heard and ANSWERED. I LOVE getting good reports. The CT on Friday showed the tumor (that was baseball size in Feb.) in the L lung was about quarter size, no new areas and no pnuemonia. Dr said the coughing and shortness of breath is probably from the radiation I had in Feb and March. I have 2 more months of chemo and then see what the CT shows. Thanks for the prayers!
  14. Always great to have good reports. We LIVE for them!!!
  15. Cindy RN

    Clean scan

    OH HAPPY DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Cindy RN

    "Empty Head" club!

    Congreats!! We ALL love the empty head diagnosis!! Here's to many more!
  17. I totally understand what you wrote about seeing sclc from a nurses point of view. I have been a nurse for 14 years and when we went to school they called small cell carcinoma-oat cell carcinoma . I remembered that it was the worst one-it sounded like oatmeal to me so I never forgot that. I was diagnosed in Feb of 2001 and am still around. I do not do as much as I did a few years ago but my kids and hubby do not mind. I still travel and am planning my sons wedding and trying to convince him they want children as soon as possible. (You know---GRANDKIDS!!!) Like they said there are others on this board that have gone much longer than me. I WILL be one of those long timers someday too.
  18. You help her keep her spirits up. Tell her there are some of us that just keep on going. Like the Eveready bunny. God just keeps recharging my batteries I was diagnosed in Feb of 2001 and 2 1/2 yrs later still around. I am in my 2nd round of chemo but getting near the end of it. I think 1 or 2 more months. I had a CT done on Fri so tomorrow I find out how this combo of chemo is doing. Good luck!
  19. Hi Grammybear I hate to hear when cancer is causing the pain. Prayers are being sent your way.
  20. Warm fuzzies on the way!!!!! Hang in there!!
  21. FINALLY!! I got my husband to put up our pic. Of course it was taken the fall before the cancer. I had hair and a tan. That shiny head next to me is Tom, hubby of over 13 years. We were at a wedding where he sang at.
  22. I have not any experience with what you described. I am wondering why the Dr did not talk about any options for reducing the size of the tumor. Maybe that is a possibility. Good luck.
  23. You are so blessed to have a family like yours. Lots of cancer patients do NOT get the support they NEED and that is so sad. I am sorry for your loss, but you all did the very best you could and he knew that. May peace come soon to you.
  24. Already sent a prayer up for you. God listens, He will see that your Dad will get the care he needs. God bless and give you peace.
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