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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Hopefully he will regain his strength and be able to get his chemo soon
  2. Measure your mom's leg from the heel to the bend of the knee and measure the largest area around the calf. Most good pharmacies will have these. They are called ted hose or similar to that. Get the tight ones with a wide band at the knee so they do not cut off circulation. I have 2 pair and have to wear them occ. now. They are like putting on tight knee high hose. They are a miracle to the legs and feet.
  3. Hopefully everybody's counts and spirits will be up next week and chemo can start again. Chemo our life blood. I have had to walk away without mine 1 time and I remember thinking------WOW------------ what am I supposed to do to fight this off without the chemo.
  4. Are you in a church? I bet there are young single groups that would love you to pieces. Hold your head up and see the blue sky, smell the air after it has rained. If you continue to feel this way you may need to see the Dr for some meds. They help out at times when we can't help ourselves.
  5. Cindy RN

    CT results

    I am asking for prayer for the results of my CT scan and blood work I had today. I get the results on Monday. It will be 2 years and 5 mos since I was diagnosed with sclc. Thanks for these boards! Again you all do a great job! Remember the only prayers not heard are those that are not asked!
  6. Happy 44TH!! Here's to the next 44!!
  7. Cindy RN

    New Jay

    Jay-There are lots of meds to help get thru the chemo. Always tell the nurse or Dr if you are having any symptoms and they will make sure you get what you need. Relax and let the chemo KILL those cancer cells!!!
  8. Here are few hugs just for you! (((((hugs)))) ((((((hugs)))))) I know the feeling-waiting for those results! I had my CT today and have to wait til Mon. for the results
  9. I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I lost my mom to nsclc in July of 94. It was a hard thing to watch her go thru. Hope you are able to find the peace that she now has. Hugs to you and your family.
  10. I know what you mean when you say your a pro at chemo! Oh well-I just say I am glad they still have treatments to work on this!! You hang in there and there is nothing wrong with being bald.
  11. I am so sorry. You have been on here back when I was new on these boards. I know we don't all beat this cancer but it is never easy when it happens. I want you to know you 2 have been an inspiration to me. Please check in with us. All my love and my prayers for you and your family. He never gives us more than we can bear! Look at Issaih 43.
  12. As Sandy said slight variances in the CT could be the factor. You are right. This cancer does grow quickly. I had a CT in Nov 2002 and was still in remission, in Feb 2003 I had the next CT and there was another tumor in the L lung about the size of a baseball. No new symptoms, it was just there!! We have to be vigilant in all of the follow-up tests and appointments.I hear so many say, "I get tired of Dr visits every month". If you trust your Dr then he will know when to change chemos and order tests. Ask questions. In between visits if you have a question write it down and when you see him next time you have your list of questions. Good luck.
  13. Every Dr is different as to when to repeat tests. I seem to have mine done every 2-3 months. Or if I am showing different symptoms. As for the change in chemos. I had the same as your dad the first round of chemo. The cisplatin has many side effects including neuropathy, especially in the feet. My Dr changed from the cisp. to the carboplatin the 6th round I had. It does about the same thing but not as hard on the patient. I was in remission for 1 year after that combo. Good luck!
  14. I am so glad to see this working again! Great job! Thanks!
  15. That is such good news. I have not heard of anyone making it that long. I kept saying God is not done using me here yet. I have one left to graduate from high school yet!!! I remember being told over 2 years ago I needed to get "your affairs in order" I love showing up at the Dr office every month and he just shakes his head and grins. Tell your friend to write a book!
  16. I had asked my DR about it and his reasoning is if you do it and the ca mets to the brain you are limited as what to do. If it does mets to the brain without having the PCI then you can radiate till your eyes glow I guess. He has gotten me this far with God leading the way. So I will follow him on down the road.
  17. When I was diagnosed the Dr always give you a guesstimat of what they think is your time limit. (not nice) I am still here 2 yrs and 4 months with extensive sclc. My Dr put me on an antidepressant while I was getting the first round of chemo. It is celexa. just what I needed. I still take them. I see nothing wrong with helping our moods stay uplifted. Talk to your mom and give her reasons to keep going. For me it was my children my hubby my pug Roxy my job. So many others. Tell her you look up to her and you know if she puts one foot in front of the other she MAY be running soon. Hope she responds to you. Praying for you
  18. WOW! I guess it is not a good thing to disappear on these boards!! My family knows I get on here so if I can not get to the computer they can. I really am felling good. Treatments are 3 days then off til the next month. They just make me tired for the first week then I am back to being awake all day again. There are so many places to post now, I will never get caught up. I have not seen Dr Sam on tho. I think that is his name. It is soooooo good to see all of your pics. I will get my husband to load mine, or maybe my baby Roxy-She is cuter than me
  19. I use ambien also for sleeping-it really helps. I noticed someone uses the tylenol pm, it is the benedryl in it that helps with the sleeping. You could try the over the counter (generic) diphenahydramine (sp) which is the same thing-just cheaper. As for being awake on the chemo nights. Mine is due to the pre-meds I get before the chemo. One is a steroid. It will keep you awake. Good luck
  20. This is the first time back in along time. I have had computer problems and didn't really get them fixed till the last month. I am doing well, I have read tons of updates on here and most I remember are still here!!!! That was good news. I finished up the radiation tx. in April and am still on the chemo-Carboplastin and VP-16. I am not sure how it is working, I have a CT at the end of the month. I am more short of breath than before the radiation but the Dr said it is probably due to the radiation. I did finally quit my job. They really need someone who can work the full 12 hr shifts. Oh well, I can watch ER on TNT every morning-HA. I will check in daily again. Hope to catch up on the news. I looked at some of the new forums. You all have done a great job on here.
  21. You 2 have been an inspiration to lots of us here. My prayers are with you and I know that : Whatever God brings you to, He will get you through!!
  22. I too, was diagnosed with sclc in Feb. 2001, 2 YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had chemo for 9 months and that is it. I see my Dr. every month for chem. profile, cbc, and a ldh. The later I guess it elevates if the ca is growing. I get a CT every other month, I have had 2 bone scans, no mri's tho. I was not a candidate for radiation at that time and certainly not surgery. Mine was extensive but I am doing well today. There is hope out there. For me it my belief that God has lead me thru this entire ordeal. I do not hesitate to give Him the glory.
  23. Cindy RN


    What a loving and caring wife you have. We all have our 'teddies', my daughter had a pin her daddy gave her-an angel that changed color when you held it. similar to those old mood rings. She pinned it to my pillow in the hospital and now after 2 yrs that angel gets pinned to my pillowcase home or hospital. Feels good at night to touch it and know the angel is there.
  24. Thanks for the list, got some reading for the weekend
  25. Cindy RN


    HA! I wrote somewhere else checking on how you did, but I found your message here. Very funny. What was sooo bad for me is being a nurse I have stood in on these before and they put this gas in to blow the colon up for the DR to see. WELL that gas comes back out and sounds like--you guess. HA After my test was done I laughed about being the only patient they had that had NOT farted the gas out. Needless to say they LET me know I was NOT unique
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