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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Cindy RN


    Hi Darrell I can not help with the Ca to the hip-I have been having a lot of bone pain and was scanned yesterday to see if it has spread. I have been using arthritic meds and Darvocett for the pain as of now. You have found a great place for support and for advice. So many here have been right where you are right now. Please fill in the profile part so we can keep up with your treatments. You can read mine to see what all I have had. Good luck-Cindy
  2. Hoping for clear scans. Just a note from a MOM!! I have been dealing with this for 5 yrs now. I KNOW I want my kids to keep going on with their lives. I don't mean I don't want them to be there for me BUT I am sure most Mom's want their kids to keep making a life for themselves. Nothing makes me happier than to see them happy. Good luck with midterms!! Cindy
  3. What else can be said-- THANK YOU Cindy
  4. Cindy RN

    Dennis Weaver

    I had not heard this one on TV-I hate hearing it. He was a great one.
  5. Sue-I just now saw this post. I too am so sorry. Prayers said for you and the family. Cindy
  6. I am so sorry about your loss.
  7. Hope all goes well. There are several on here that have had it done. You might post this in the General forum-more will see it and be able to tell of their experiences. I choose not to do it so I can not help. Cindy
  8. OK Becky!!! I am crossing off MY LIST of things to do-anything I am scared of. If that means I HAVE to do them someday-like you went thru!! I think I would of been sitting in the corner of the vater and said when you get me down to floor one I will get out!! Cindy
  9. Oh my dear friend-You have meant so much to me. We have gone thru so much here-the bad times and the funny ones. I know you and I will always remember the hair pulling!! You are so special and I want your family and friends to take good care of you. You have given so much to me. I pray that you have peace and stay pain free. I WILL see you someday-NOT ON THE INTERNET!!--For real, Love you, Cindy
  10. Cindy RN

    Bad LC day

    I am sorry Sandy-I hate it too. I have had a hard time with Jen's death also. Glad to see you tho-Love Cindy
  11. I, too, am so sorry about the news. I know nothing about this drug. Prayers said that it works and you stay just as you are!! Cindy
  12. Cindy RN

    My Sister SharKats

    Thanks for the post. She has been missed. Cindy
  13. A trip to the ER would be very wise. Brain swelling is common with that treatment. Steroids are usually used with the treatments to help with that, she may need more. If you do not go to the ER then call the Dr or the hospital at least. This could be very important. Cindy
  14. SO GLAD TO HAVE SOME GOOD NEWS!!!!!! Love ya!! Cindy
  15. Her picture looked so happy-I miss my mom, I lost her in '94 and it feels like yesterday. It is easier tho. Prayers said, Cindy
  16. I ma so sorry-you are right she spoke her mind, I loved it. She had a lot of pain this last yr. Hopefully she is at peace now, God be with you all. Cindy
  17. We are so sad-she was special. Please know you all are in my prayers. Cindy
  18. I am so sad. Jen was so fun to talk with on the phone. We had a lot in common. I have no idea what happened to the first post but I am so glad you put it on again Love to all of Jens family. Cindy
  19. This baby is the continuation of your family. I know I would love to have grandbabies-I have said that many times but since the cancer it has not happened. I know that someday it will and my family will be able to continue after I am gone. Look at this as your dad living on thru the baby. Congrats!! Cindy
  20. Nina-I am so sorry. We just went thru this with Toms dad a few months ago. Prayers are with you for the support you need to give. Love Cindy
  21. Oh Fay-You made my day reading this. There is always joy in something-sometimes you have to look for it. I DO recall doing that!! I know the birds loved it. They used my hair to feather their nests!! Love Ya
  22. Hi Warren- You can read what chemo and treatments I have had below. I definitely would be getting a second opinion. Some of the things you have described don't add up. Esp. for someone with sclc that has spread. The cancer center you are talking about is good as far as I know. I had a friend with colon ca that had spread to liver and lung and she went to one of them out in OK and loved it. She has since passed. I am glad you found your way here. Check in often, Cindy
  23. I have been on here everyday but have not posted much. This has been a busy time for us. Tom's dad died a month ago and it seens liek something everyday has kept me from getting done what I need to. I have had a cold-must be that time of the year, all else is fine. I check in often to see how everybody else is. This is the month 5 yrs ago I was diagnosed. Seems like a life time! I go at the end of the month for my 3 mos checkup. I really am not fond of Feb!! Just think a few more months and SPRING!!! Love Cindy
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