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Sudden downturn

Peggy H

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I haven't posted in the last week, four days after her first treatment of CPT11/Cisplatin my little sister Sally took a sudden and dramatic downturn. I took her to the Emergency Room, she was admitted and has been steadily declining since. Without going into detail about all the medical horrors of the last 10 days, Sally is expected to die at any moment. Our family will meet this afternoon to discuss hospice care.

Her little girls are devastated and beyond comforting. My only consolation is that, thus far, Sally is in no pain. She has been present for discussions about her condition and prognosis, but, thankfully, doesn't remember them so she isn't frightened.

I will be eternally grateful for the assistance, support, and comfort I've received from members of this board. Bless you all.

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Oh, Peggy, I am so sorry. I know you didn't want to go into the details, but you would NOT be boring us if you did. In fact, maybe someone would be able to provide you with a little insight. If you are too tired, though, it is understandable.

As for your nieces, I can't imagine how heartbreaking this is for them.

I wish I could do more than offer support and prayers, I wish I could help more, somehow. But I just wanted you to know that I will be thinking about you, your sister and her little girls. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted as much as you can, and don't EVER worry about going into detail or rambeling. Take care, Deb

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I have been wondering about your sister as I have been following your posts about her and have been impressed with her courage and perseverance (not to mention your utter devotion to her). I am a teacher like your sister and am amazed that she continued to teach for as long as she did.

I pray for you - I pray for her - for her girls and your whole family. Please know that we all care about you.

Blessings are needed for this family right now Lord.


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Peggy I hope your sister gets better. Hospice doesnt necessarily mean immediate death. My dad is a 2month hospice survivor. There still may be good days ahead for your sister. Your sister currently doesnt have pain, thats great. How about trying alternative treatments. I have tried teas, arginine, noni juice, hoxsey,spes. So far no real response, although he felt good knowing something was being done, but its worth a shot. I wish you the best.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am very sorry for all of you, Peggy. Look, I'm not a "morbid" person, but if going into detail about what you refer to as the medical "horrors" will provide you with information you can use to put at ease your sister, or her children, or you, or anyone else who is there with your sister then please tell us.

I took care of my Mother towards the end of her illness with lung cancer We learned a lot about alleviating some of the more distressing consequences of end-stage lung cancer. So please, if you think one of us might be of help you have only to ask.

Once again, I am so very sorry.

Fay A

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