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Sun Soup and mom


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My mom was diagnosed with stage iv adenocarcinoma of the lung in September 2004. It is also in her pelvis and one vertebrae. She is currently doing cisplatin/gem for four to six cycles. I am wondering if anyone on this list has experience with using Alexander Sun's Sun Soup or other complementary medical treatments once Chemo is over? My mom has a good acupuncturist who is currently treating her for the side effects of chemo. She is 77 and very strong.



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Hi Irene

Sorry to hear about your Mom.

We had a discussion on sun soup in the alternative forum not long ago. I can't remember the title of the thread, but if you do a search on selected vegetables (SV) you should be able to find it. I will have a look when I have some more time, but the gist of our discussion was that you can actually purchase the individual active ingredients for a fraction of the cost of the pre-made sun soup. The thread also included a link to a study on these 'selected vegetables' that had yielded some promising results. I think it is worth looking into.

Good luck, and stick around. There is lots of good information in the alternative and complementary medicine forum.


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