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Play that Funky Music White Boy.

Remembering Dave

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Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I was in a bad Funk last week but all of you posts helped bring me up. I had my bad chemo cocktail last week and also I realized I did not get my Procrit shot last week. We finally got the nurse to give me Procrit instead of the Aranesp and I think it works much better, soooo........ I got my Procit Monday and felt much better when I woke up the next day.

I Finished my 30 rounds of Radiation to my sinus tumor last Wed. and the site of zapping is doing pretty good. It got pretty dry and red but the skin never broke open. I put Aloe cream on it almost every day.

I had a CT scan done today of my head and chest so I have my fingers crossed for NED. I beat it once, I WILL beat it again. I will get Chemo this comming Monday and hope to find out the results then although Karen will probably call Friday to see if they have the report. I am not worried about the results (yeah right!!)...................

Please send your payers my way.

Oncodoc, have you ever heard of SCLC retuning to the upper sinus bone region??

To keep my mind off the results I decided to go camping. We are going to a campgound just West of Charlottesville, VA called Misty Meadows or Misty Mountain, something like that. They have a Haunted Hay Ride Fri. and Sat night so Faith should love that. I am leaving tommorow and Karen and Faith are comming Fiday after work. It is supposed to be peak weekend for the leaves changing color so we will take a drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway or the Shenandoah Parkway Saturday and come home Sun.. On Saturday night Karen will fix dinner in her Dutch Ovens while I sit around, tend the fire, drink a few Sam Adams and read the Weekly World News (required camping literature, you must buy one when you go camping, its the rules).

Anyway I have rambled long enough. Please know that I read all your posts but do not feel much like posting myself. This chemo is kicking my Bu^^, much worse that last year. My prayers are with each and every one of you. Keep a positive attitude and Put your trust in God.

David C

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Hi David! So good to see you post!

Ahhh camping.. We love it!! And the Blue Ridge Parkway this time of year. .. indescribable. I will have to remember to get the required reading next time we go.

Praying for your test results and for a truly wonderful camping trip.

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Glad you are feeling better! I hope you have a great time camping!!

Karen--today is Wed, you have the patience to wait until Fri to call? I am a stalker with zero patience, it is terrible. I still think an instant result law should be instituted :)

Please tell us who is in the photo. I am wondering if Becky is in there :)


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Glad you are feeling better David. I'm envious that you are going camping. My husband has the same camping philosophy as you do: a good read and good beer. I wish I could sample some of Karens Dutch Oven Cookin'. Speaking of cooking....how 'bout a Dutch Oven recipe for the cookbook?! Have fun and keep strong.


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Hey there Funk Master DC.

I am truely amazed at what you have gone through with the chemo and rad -- and still be able to push on, with only a few "low spots" in your energy levels. You are to be congratulated David at being one of the truely outstanding examples of survivorship for everyone here on the message board. Way to go!! And I hope you have a really funky camping trip. Funky's a good thing isn't it? Used to be. Anyway, have fun.

David P.

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I was so glad to see you posting again. Prayers do work. I am sure you are not quite up to par yet but you sure are getting there. Every toe and finger are crossed for you to get great results on your test. Have a great time camping and enjoy the beautiful trees. I will be looking for good news on Tuesday.


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OK - in the photo - standing up is Dave in the middle, sister Becky in blue and sister Tammy in red. Their mom and dad are seated. This was at Faith's 3rd birthday party/the Chapman's 50th wedding anniversary party (photo taken in our backyard) at our house Labor Day weekend. The theme of Faith's party was "yellow" since yellow is her favorite color, and everyone wore yellow leis.

You can't believe what a difference there is in Dave since last week. Well, his funkiness has been going on for some time, leading up to last week's peak . . . but this week he is 1000% better! Thanks everyone for sending good thoughts and words to cheer him up, it really worked!

I am so thankful he is up to going camping this weekend and I think a day away by himself with his beloved labs will be so good for him.

Plus, the more he camps, the more likely he'll agree to getting that brand new trailer I dream about, ha!

Have a great weekend everyone,


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Enjoy your camping trip. You and Karen and Faith deserve a nice relaxing break. Chemo can really "do you in" and you have every right to feel "funkafied" while going through it. We are only human, and sometimes we just need to actually "feel". Once we do, then we get through it and move on, but it is so hard to put on that brave face day after day after day....(you get the point).

Glad you are feeling better and hope the trip is wonderful.


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David & Karen,

When we were in Oregon last summer for my treatments we made it a point to go camping on the coast every weekend. A wonderful attitude adjustment & peaceful time together. I always returned refreshed & full of positve energy. Hope it does the same for you. Good luck with your tests. Prayers & positive thoughts coming your way. Rachel

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