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4 year survivor

Connie B

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Hi All,

I just wanted to share this with those that are fighting SCLC. I hope this will give you HOPE and the determination to continue the fight.

I have a very dear friend, and also a member of my Lung Cancer Support Group who is a Small Cell Lung Cancer Survivor.

Well, she was dx.d in May of 1999, and her cancer had spread to her liver at that time .

She underwent chemo (VP-16 & Cisplatin) along with PCI as her treatments. Well, she just called me Friday after she had been to her Onc Doc for her checkup and he told her "He didn't think she EVER had CANCER"! (kidding)! She is STILL cancer free and doing very very well!

I just felt this was worth sharing.

Warm and Gentle Hugs,

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Dear Connie

God how you have made my day, god bless you! I have the same diagnosis as your friend and your message brought tears to my eyes, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing it with us. This gives me so much hope and we all need that with this disease! I would also like to know what chemo she was on.

Bess B

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That is such good news. I have not heard of anyone making it that long. I kept saying God is not done using me here yet. I have one left to graduate from high school yet!!! I remember being told over 2 years ago I needed to get "your affairs in order" I love showing up at the Dr office every month and he just shakes his head and grins. Tell your friend to write a book! :D:D:D

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Hi Connie; That news also has made my day!!! In fact I am presently in the position where I must decide about the PCI. I am very concerned about this controversial procedure. Especially from the standpoint of long term Neurological side effects. Obviously your good friend has not experienced problems in this regard. Again, Glad to here news like this and I wish you and your friend the best. With Prayers, Kentwisc.

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Hi All,

So very glad I was able to put a smile on your face and a song in your heart that there is hope in beating this monster.

Katie, in answer to your question. My friend was 64 when she was dx.d with her lung cancer. The only treatments she has was 6 sessions of VP-16 & Cisplatin. She has NOT had any recurrences. She did the PCI about 8 months after she was dx.d.

Kentwisc, My friend said she would do the PCI all over again if she had to.

I know of several people who had done the PCI and they are NOT at all sorry they did it.

My friend just celebrated her 68th birthday as well. And I can tell you this, I'm thinking it's all the SHOPPING she does that keeps her going! :) This lady LOVES to POWER SHOP, and she'll tell you that herself. She has not made any major life style changes in her life to date. And I'm here to tell you, she is a mover and a shaker, and she's a fighter and a SURVIVOR!! And I am proud to be her friend!

Warm and Gentle Hugs,

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Dear David C & Candy,

Oh I am sooo happy I was able to share this Survivor story with you all and was able to give you some peace and hope! This lady is without a doubt a wonderful person, and a positive caring person at that.

When she called me Friday after her checkup she was on CLOUD 9 and rightfully so!!

Sadly enough she and I had just went to a Wake the night before for one of our other Lung Cancer members (friends) who lost his battle! :cry:

So when I hear of those that have and are beating this monster, I just feel it is SO important to share that with everyone! Stay strong and Stay positive! It is MY PLEASURE to be able to share these Survivor Stories with you all!!

Wram and Gentle Hugs,

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Connie I took the "program" from the funersal with me to the Relay for life Friday evening. In a this way he made the Survivor Walk. I hope he knows.

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Dear Berisa,

I'm sorry if you maybe missed what I wrote above, but I think I did say she has NOT done any LIFE style changes. She eats the same and does just want she did before she was dx.d. And I think I mentioned her chemo's were VP-16 & Cisplatin?! She also did PCI which was recommended by her Onc Doc over 3 years ago, but those to are completed as well. She is NOT into Herbs or any Alternative Meds. She has done NO trials. Hope this answers your quesstions. I might add she has been DONE with her treatments for over 3 years now. She is NOT taking any medications or doing any treatments at this time for her Lung Cancer. She has had CT scans and blood work done for her checkups every 4 months. She is now advanced to Once a year checkups, which will include a CT scan, blood work, etc.... Her life is as such as before she was dx.d with Lung Cancer. :)

And Donna,

How nice of you to take Dick to the Relay with you. (grin)! I'm sure he was proud to be a part of it. We will miss him! :( Glad to hear you had a nice time at the Relay. Way to bring Lung Cancer Issues to the Public's Eye! Thank you Donna, that is AWESOME!!

Warm and Gentle Hugs,

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Connie, thanks so much for posting this great story!! I too have sclc, limited.. this is so encouraging for me. I have completed my first round of chemo and have started with radiation treatment. Really hoping my story will be the same as hers!!

Also, what exactly is PCI? I'm new to the terminology here. My radiology onc has said that more than likely they will do a brain rad after the regular 30 treatments I'll complete. Is this that?

Thanks again!

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