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Recovery Time for Pericardial Window (kitkathi)?


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Hi All,

Pops seems to be sound 1000% better. They are going to do angioplasty tomorrow. Apparently there is some blockage. They are also going to do a pericardial window. Dad was wondering if any of you knew how long the procedure takes and what the down time is? Would they do those procedures at the same time? The cardiologist only could pop in for a moment because he was called away on an emergency. Any heads up would be appreciated. Pops says thanks to all of you for the wonderful information on everything. His doc was impressed at all his knowledge about everything. Pops said it wasn't his knowledge but the boards!! Thanks again...


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Our Cheryl had a pericardial window done a few months ago, but I she also had fluid buildup in her lung that had to be drained. I don't remember what her recovery time was, though. If I can find additional information on this I'll post it.

Hoping for great outcomes on both procedures.

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I had a pericardial window about 3 months ago. I was in the hospital for two weeks. I was ready to go home sooner, but my doctor wanted to make sure I drained off all the fluid, due to risk of heart attack. I felt little pain, except for the incision site in my upper abdomen. Just below that were two tubes for drainage- now those puppies were uncomfortable. The actual procedure involves cutting the sac of heart at the top to allow drainage, so it will not allow fluid to build up again. I have had no problems since. Hope this helps.


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Thanks for the info Cheryl. Dad actually had an angiogram today and will have angioplasty maybe tomorrow (couple of blocked arteries). They will do his pericardial window sometime before or after that. Dad didn't want to be out of work for so long because he only has 2 weeks combined vacation and sick. He already tapped into the donated vacation bank in January and you can only use it once per year. So I told my mom that if she needed money for anything I will donate my paycheck every month (I work part-time as a substitute teacher while I'm in grad school). That money was for a rainy day anyways since my husband can support us. I feel bad that I'm not home and my brother is doing everything. Again, thanks for all the info and glad to hear that you are doing well. Thanks for the prayers everyone.


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Dear KK,

My Brother also had the window and fluid drained from around his heart. He was in the hospital about a week and didnt seem to be in any real pain. He actually felt better because it was easier for him to breath without the fluid there. Prayers for Dad and the rest of the family. Kudos to you for being such a wonderful Daughter!!

God Bless You All,


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