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Hell Everyone,

I got a letter today from the HR Director full of lies to cover his own butt about this FMLA business! My direct boss told me yesterday, that he wanted to keep me, and would do whatever it took. I feel so deflated and depressed. I just don't have the energy to fight. I am afraid to miss work, because I may need those days. I tell everyone that "I am fine", and they say,"I would never even know you had cancer!" I try so hard to fit in, be normal. I got a thousand dollar donation from Wal*Mart today for our Thanksgiving dinner. My friends, who own a radio station asked if "I knew anyone in need of Thanksgiving dinner?" So, now we are up to 600 people and donations from all over town! I guess my point is, I want really bad to help people and feel useful, but I can't even help myself. The company I have worked so hard for, made it clear to me that I am disposable. I am really feeling sorry for myself gang. I HATE THIS DISEASE! I hate not knowing the future, lossing control and losing everything, being tired and in pain, being experimented on, perceived as helpless, unable to do what I used to do, never feeling safe again, and even asked if I am mentally competent....the list goes on and on.

On a positive note, I am stable, still working, and I did get a thousand dollars from Wal*Mart today! I do have my license and can solicit myself on some street corner if I need to (Shame on you all), I meant like Lucy from the Snoopy cartoon offering psychological help! Ha!

Cheryl :lol:



Good news about the Walmart dinner. Are you going to have a big one?

I am so sorry about the job :( You did make a good point though, you do have your license, you could solicit people :) I bet you would be great at helping people with cancer and all the related issues.

You are a super strong person, keep hanging in there. I am so sorry about all the dog poop going on with your job. I firmly believe taht what goes around comes around and it will come back to haunt them!



I know what you are going through. I am a contractor, if I don't work I don't get paid. As a contractor I made ALOT of money and we lived upto that income! It's been 6 months since dx and I have hardly worked. For the last few weeks I have been doing 4 hours a day.

They all look at me and say how great I look. I try to fake my attitude at work and be upbeat. They keep looking at me like I should be there full time. There is no way I could do it.

Tired, pain, mental - all those things you said. I understand!

It's been 6mths and I am still dealing with the shock of dx and even though I have completed treatment and look like hell, it's hard to believe.

Keep complaining, it's good to get it off your chest! We're here to help get through it!


You need to address anything that is not accurate in the letter you received and I would do it through your attorney. Have him answer the letter and cc it to the HR person's supervisor. It's bordering on harrassment now. You don't have the energy but your attorney does, use him.


I am so sorry to hear that your employer is continuing with their quest to get you out! It is not fair and is something you shouldn't have to deal with. I agree with Ry, get your attorney involved. In the meantime, hold your head high, you are stronger than you think. Just the fact that you CAN work everyday is a major accomplishment. We are all here for you. Try to relax and just enjoy your holiday. You deserve some time off.



Cheryl,Ifeel bad you are going thru so much grief with your employer.It;s a shame a lot of them are that way.But on a bright note GOOD JOB with all you and Jack have done with fighting for a better way.Not only your boss but lots of others as well.And good for Wal- Mart for giving you a donation.Now I won't be as upset with how much money Connie & I spend at Wally World (Wal-Mart ) every couple of weeks.


Like lung cancer isn't enough to have to deal with....I do hope you can teach those people a lesson. I think your compassion toward others in need sets a beautiful example for them if they would JUST OPEN THEIR EYES! :shock: Wishing your family a wonderful Thanksgiving.



I know that many of us deal with tension in the work place, and many of us head to counseling because of it. How absolutely tragic that a place that is supposed to help so many of us does such a disservice to one of their own! How can anyone take therapy seriously in that office if they don't practice what they preach?

I agree with RY on the letter from HR - if it's incorrect, address it. If you just leave it and everything goes to trial, the assumption will be that it was all true as there was no rebuttal.

As for being disposable...well, at work, we ALL are. ANY company could replace ANY of us in a reasonable period of time. Were I to die tomorrow, my company would not suffer for it, heck, they'd bring in contract help while looking to hire someone new! Truth be told, the ONLY place you are indisposable is at home, in Jack's eyes, in those four inside dogs' lives, in the others you are close to. THOSE are the folks who would really miss you and never be able to replace you...

I'll be watching, next time I drive by your place :wink: , for your lemonade stand on the front yard with the "The doctor is in/out - 5 cents" sign on it...

I hope this is all straightened out without some big legal battle and all the other crap associated with it, that maybe HR can get a clue and all will be well.

I hope you at least have a decent holiday, turn it all off for a while and enjoy food, folks and fun...

Take care,




What to add to what has already been said but that I agree that you must respond via a lawyer and I am thrilled to have such a great excuse to go find a Wal Mart and go shopping (they don't have them in NYC--but I will find one in the 'burbs). I'm so glad that at least one thing has gone in your favor. It's about time!

Geoff and I are horrified by the actions of your employer/HR department.

I am so sorry you and Jack are having to deal with all of this balderdash on top of fighting the beast.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Melinda (and Geoff)


Thanks everyone. I will take your advise and stay on top of it.

Wal-Mart has always been generous to the MHMR (mental health and mental retardation) population in our area. They donate every year to many organizations. It helped make our dinner a big success again this year!




Just want you to know that you are not alone.

In other countries, employers actually are committed legally to care for their dedicated employees.

I will pm you with all the support I can muster.

You are not alone.

Cindi o'h

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