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Survived First Scan


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I couldn't wait until my oncologist got back to town next week. Fortunately, my surgeon is a good guy and saw me this morning. My scan was clear with NED. The report does reveal that I have a slightly enlarged thymus gland. The surgeon does not believe it is anything, but to ease my mind is going to have me do a PET scan. The back pain I've been experiencing is post surgical pain aggravated by my recent increased activity. The scan shows no sign of bone mets. Heavy sigh!!!! I have been more stressed the last couple of days than I have been during this entire experience. Hopefully these scans will get easier over time. Thank you all for your kind words and support. Only fellow cancer survivors can truly understand how scary it is to watch and wait.

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Hopefully these scans will get easier over time.


I call it "scanitus" and I've come to believe it's incurable. Some have suggested heavy duty chemical cocktails, but I don't go that route. I just sweat it out, lose sleep, get more grey hairs, and snap at anybody that crosses me. LOL!

YAY! YAY! YAY! on the NED and a good PET scan. That's what we love to hear!

God bless you,


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Just a word of warning....the thymus gland often lights up as abnormal on PET scan. I have been burned by this before in my lymphoma patients and caused a lot of undue stress.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... s=11560830

Kind of technical but the bottom line is that about 1/3 of normal thymus glands lit up. So if your thymus has some uptake (hopefully it won't) take it with a big ol' grain of salt.

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Congratulations on your good results! I, along with everyone else here, understand the anxiety associated with upcoming tests....I am on an every three months schedule right now, and it seems like with every good result, I only allow myself a few weeks of relief and then it's time to start worrying again about the next one.

I too hope that the stress will ease with time...

Congratulations again, that's really great news!


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