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Stereotactic Radiosugery next Wednesday

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I've been going at a dead run for a month now (20 people for Thanksgiving at a house that has been neglected). Wanted to drop in and say that my husband is having the radiosurgery next Wednesday. Just finished radiation for adrenal gland, did MRI. Good news is 5 tumors have disappeared. Bad news is one is larger. So they will zap it next Wednesday and, God willing, that will take care of the last one in the brain. I haven't had time to get on and even look for the last month but hope to be back after Christmas reading and (occasionally) posting. Prayers deeply appreciated - God bless you all.



So many have had such good luck with stereotactic radiosurgery - hope your husband's goes equally well. I recently received an e-mail from a woman whose Stage IV husband had it 9 years ago and he's doing great! Thinking of you both.


Just adding my prayers, too. Keep us posted when you can, and I do hope you get some rest - Sounds like a lot on your plate! I hope the surgery on Wednesday is a tremendous success!



Thank you all! The last couple of days have been harder than usual. Appreciate the prayers and good words:) Will post sometime after the surgery and let you know how it went.

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