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Incredibly Good News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Good News just in time for Christmas!

As many of you know hubby received a report that he had 2 new brain mets that would have brought him back up to 6 (which was down from 8 ). The good news is that the radiologist screwed up big time (THANK GOD!) and those 2 mets are not new - they are 2 of the old mets. They are still relatively small and have not changed in size or intensity. WE ARE THRILLED!

Also, I do think he will be switching him to Tarceva. We will find out tomorrow. We discussed his overall diagnosis with the radiation onc who confirmed that his status compared to his diagnosis is incredible and above average. Hubby told him: "And I intend for it to stay that way!"

P.S. As I type this I am very aware that there are many of you reading this who do not have such good news. I want you to know that I am mindful of your pain, and I hope that this post does not cause you more sadness wondering why it couldn't be or wasn't your loved one.

It's a hard decision sometimes to know whether to post things like this, but I do think that good news like this is incredibly encouraging to hundreds of people who read this board, so it is for them, and you too, that I post. If you are having a sad time, and have been here long enough, I hope you know me well enough by now to know that I genuinely feel your pain.

All my love to everyone, and thank you so much for your continued support and prayers.


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Oh Peggy Oh Peggy Oh Peggy...I am so happy for you! I don't know what else to say except to tell you that your post of this GREAT NEWS has made my entire day and night! Thank you so much for sharing!

Love and prayers,

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This is truly wonderful news. How could that radiologist make such a mistake???? Well, now you can breath a little easier this holiday and enjoy it much more.

Please know that I am so happy for your good news. It is good to know that at lease SOME of us are getting good news!


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What's that sound? Oh....I know....it's a big sigh of relief!! :D

Peg, don't apologize for sharing good news. We all want to have good news to share...and it does give hope to everyone to know that mistakes happen and what SEEMS like bad news can sometimes turn into good news!!

This will no doubt make the holidays a little more relaxed and special. Please enjoy!! We all know how big your heart is...and that you would wish good news for everyone here, every day, if it were in your power to do so. There's nothing wrong with you getting a little good news yourself and sharing it or relishing it!

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That is great news! I am very excited for you both. Please, please don't you or anyone else ever feel that they can't post good news for fear of making anybody else feel bad. Believe me, everytime we hear something positive it gives hope to all of us!

Now go enjoy your holidays! That's an order!


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I guess he misread the scans as badly as you had....!

Whew...can you believe it? Are you pinching yourself? Is hubby pinching you? :wink:

All of these goings on seem like it was meant to be. No more secrets...the two of you on the same page, and a big ole reprieve.


Cindi o'h

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Such wonderful news. You must be so happy and relieved. We all are! I know exactly what you mean about being concerned when posting good news, as you worry others who have not had good news recently will feel even sadder. We LOVE to hear good news, so let's hope there's more to share in 2005.



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I guess he misread the scans as badly as you had....!

Yeah, but, I don't get paid for being a dummy! LOL! Well, actually, maybe I do! :roll:

I'm really not mad at this yo-yo because I just have too smiles all over my face, and I'm so glad it was a mistake. BUT, I do hope the oncologists let him or her know how much grief was caused and that he/she should have double checked something so profound as new growth before making that report.

We are a very strong, united couple (even though we snip-snap at each other a bit LOL!), and we really bonded together this past weekend and just had a good time, but someone else could have been extremely devastated. I shudder to think what someone not-so-stable could have done or how they would have felt.

I went to to the store on the way home and bought him 3 GREAT BIG FAT RIB EYES for Christmas - his favorite! and peanut butter cups for his sock! How fun is this anyway?



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Peggy -

WOO HOO - great great news. I am so excited for you and your hubby. One could not ask for a better present. Thanks for sharing and you be careful on those snowy roads (again I am jealous - I want a white Christmas sooooo bad :oops: ) tomorrow.

We are heading to Indiana on the 26th to visit hubby's grandmothers - we will be in Evansville - Is that close to you?

Much Love,


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This is certainly the best news for celebrating Christmas. My question: don't your husband's feet feel icky with peanut butter cups in his socks?

Peggy, everyone on this site wants every bit of good news posted. This is what gives us all hope - and hope is sooooooo important.

But, we need to post the not so good news too. As a caregiver (and I am sure for the survivors) if the news was not terrific I needed the support and love that I got from you all here.

But I still prefer GOOD NEWS. I am very happy for you and Don.


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This is GREAT news Peggy. I know i need and want to hear the good things in everyone's life. As someone said that is where the hope comes from. I dont think this forum would be what it is, if we only posted the bad and sad. Dont feel guilty, we are happy for you and hubby!!!

God has blessed you

Merry CHristmas


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