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Results better than expected


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Hi everyone,

Thank you soooo much for your support and prayers. The best news is that there is no bone involvement - :D:D:D . There is a 3 cm. left lung tumor and several right lung tumors, a right axillary lymph node and right adrenal gland pet scan activity. I guess I will have to figure out where this left lower shoulder blade pain is coming from. I wonder if it can be from the left lung tumor itself?

I haven't spoken to the doctor directly, but he left a phone message for me with these results. Thank you again for your help.

I love you all........aw....


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Well, a little good news/bad news...huh? But mainly very good that there is NO bone involvement.

I'm sure your doc will have a plan..and you'll also be able to ask him more about that left shoulder blade pain, too.

Glad the news wasn't all bad news, Cathy...and you sure seem to have a good attitude about the results...so know you'll be kicking the beast back again real soon!

Let us know what the game plan will be...and know we're here cheering you on, ok? :wink:

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Cathy---I am so glad there is no bone involvement---and I hope the Dr. has some answers for the shoulder blade pain

But all in all godd news for you!

best wishes

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So glad you had some good news to share. My tumor is in my upper right lung and I have had that shoulder blade pain from the beginning. I think the tumor must be pressing on a nerve, maybe the same for you. I don't like to take the strong narcotic pain relievers, so far Advil has been working for me.

Let us know your plan of attack!


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I just read this and I am so excited for you! And unless the UC Davis Cancer Center has done a complete 360 you will be astounded at just how downright nice, not to mention competent, professional, and every other postive adjective I can think of, those people at the Davis Cancer Center are. I have no desire to live in Sacramento, but it would almost be worth it to be able to be cared for by that wonderful group of people.

Hope your experience there is as good as mine.

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