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Up and down and all around


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Been a tough couple of days. Today would have been Earl's 63rd birthday. Yesterday would have been my sister's wedding anniversary and my nephew died 3 years ago on Wednesday. So I have been a little more weepy these days than usual.

A mixture of happiness and sadness is that I have bought the new house and the bank has okayed my swing loan in case I need to settle the new before I settle the old. My house went on the market Tuesday and I now live in a land of strangers peaking in my closets. It has been very active, which I guess is good. I can not be here while they are here so I can probably not afford to move with all the time I am spending at the mall.

Actually I am going to spend some money. I am going to get some new furniture for the family room, new rugs for the downstairs and I am going to put granite on the kitchen counters. This whole thing scares me, but ........... I am going to do it.

I am thrilled about all the good news and glass clinking that has been here lately and pray and pray and pray that it continues.

Hope you all are warmer than it is here.


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So sorry you are feeling down and with good reason too. These anniversaries are hard to handle now aren't they!

I can understand how scared you are feeling about showing the house and moving, I am feeling like that too. I am sure though that everything will go smoothly and that you and the kids will soon be ensconced in your new home and enjoying every minute. My thoughts are with you, and I wish you the best of luck.Paddy

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Well, Ginny, at least you don't have strangers peeking out of your closets. :shock::wink::shock::wink: You may have to be careful at the new place. Those old golfers (and young ones, too) will be quickly smitten.

I just finished my tough run of anniversaries. And it made me weepier than usual, too, which is saying a lot for me. But this too passes, and this has been a good week, and so I am grateful.


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I think you are doing a heckuva job. You are moving forward and onward. You have faced so much tragedy and you are a tremendous force of courage and strength. I admire you for your brilliance and tenacity. You have so much coming at you from all angles...who wouldn't feel topsy turvy right about now?

Hang in there. Once this home business settles down, you will find more comfort and peace. I just know it. ps...give me some good hints for showing and moving wouldja?

Love, Cindi o'h

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Well there's nothing like spending some money to chase away the blues.

Here is my granite helpful hint...bring a piece home. Don't assume it will look the same in your kitchen as it does in the showroom. I found when I brought things to my house the colors were completely differnt. Good luck Ginny...hang in there.

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Sorry you had a tough week sweetie... the "firsts" are always so darn hard.

I agree with Ry about checking out the granite at home first. My friend just bought a piece home and we did the "check for stains" test.... we used lemon juice, tomato, soda etc... and let it sit for hours.. then made sure all the stains would come out. Her granite was "honed" and not a glossy finish so we were extra "skeptical"..... It did clean up well though... Love, Sharon

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New starts are always bitter sweet. I hope things settle down a little for you soon and that they house gets sold asap. I think you are making a wise move. A smaller place, a different place and yet taking some of your memories with you are all healthy for you. I wish you the best of everything and hope that once you get moved in you feel at home quickly. I keep you in my prayers as I consider you a very good friend. I always look forward to your posts.


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