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Hi Guys -

I haven't been on the board for a couple days and just finished catching up on all the posts - *whew*

I can't possibly respond to ALL the posts I want to (or I'd be here for the NEXT few days!)

KatieB - good luck with your dads tests!

DavidC - great news! and hopefully the Procrit (once you get it) will make you feel much better.

Jay - I hope you're feeling a little better, and feeling a little better about life - you've still got a lot of life a head of you Honey.

Heather - hey! Glad you're getting through all this. I had real bad burns to my esophaghus too....bear with it a little longer and you should start seeing some sudden improvement.

Lance Armstrong - gooooooooo dude! He's a LC survivor who is trying to win his 5TH Tour De France! (Never won before he was sick - won 4 times AFTER.) His book "It's Not About The Bike" should be on everyone's must read list.

All newcomers - welcome! This is a place you will come to rely heavily on! Mostly because the people are all SO great!

Caregivers/Families - it's been a pretty rough week on some of you! My heart just ached reading some of your posts. Be sure to give yourself credit where credit is due - your arm WILL reach around to pat your own back - really, do it once and a while - you may feel stupid - but you'll feel better! This is a rollercoaster that none of us would have waited an hour in line for....heck, we would have happily left the park altogether!

And to any other dear friends here that I may have missed, I keep up on ALL your good news and your not so good news - and you are all always in my prayers. I wish there was MORE I could do....

Hugs and prayers,


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