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Bad News

Remembering Dave

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So sorry to hear Dave is not doing well.... with all the news he has been hit with recently, it is natural he would be feeling very down...he is allowed... but only for alittle while... Cos he needs to rally and get his "kick butt" face on again so he can give this beast a run for its money.

Please know that you are both in my prayers.... I know how difficult it can be and I am praying so hard for strength for your family. Love, Sharon

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David and Karen....I always keep you and your beautiful little family in my prayers and will continue!!! David, you know that you have to fight this! You know how very important your attitude is right now. Mind over body!!! You're tough and have been there as a wonderful example for all of us! Just pick yourself up and get ready for yet another fight!!! We're here for both you and Karen...just a yell away!!!

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