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Hi Everyone!

I'm posting today to vent. I need some prayers for patiences. Everytime I turn around something else goes wrong. This Friday I have to get my esophagus stretched. Last Friday I put my lower back out and Iam walking around hunched over and in pain. Have to go to the Chiropracter tomorrow. Next week I have to go back to Ortho. surgeon for my shoulder. The last two items are not cancer related, but I'm so sick of being sick or broken. Everytime I get to the point where I can go out and do things, wham I'm back on the sofa on the heating pad.

My insurance sucks and these things are nickle and diming me to death.

I'm working overtime ( which I shouldn't be doing the Dr.'s would throw a fit) to pay the Dr.s. As Roseann, Roseann, Adana says. IT'S ALWAYS

SOMETHING. I thank God everyday these test he is giving me are not

cancer, but my patience are wearing thin. I guess I should count my

blessings. Thanks in advance for listening and please pray for my patience to hold out.

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I'm sorry to hear that you're having some rough times health-wise right now. Just to let you know you're not alone. I'm feeling like that right now too, but I am thankful that all my side issues with my health are not cancer. How's that for a world off it's normal tilt? I'm happy it's just a 'normal' underactive thyroid, happy that it's not endometrial cancer, happy that it's just muscle strain, etc, etc! But, it still feels like I'm spending my life with doctors and the people in their waiting rooms. It's truly like a part time job in addition to working full time, keeping all these doctor's committments. Sorry you're going thru this, but I can relate.


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Allow me to direct you to the pity party now going on at Fay's thread. Since its not noon yet we're on the Bailey's and coffee course...

Believe me we can all relate to your frustration. Sounds like next week is going to be a busy one for all of us.

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Hang in Ella. Even the non-cancer related stuff can be plenty annoying....but remember, the Pity Party at the Pub is still going on. You have time to go vent AND tank up on chocolate which might help...eh? :wink:

Hoping things take a turn for the better for you. Sorta know the feeling of overload these days....but hey, we still have today to get through and I'd rather do it with more laughs than not. How about you? :)

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Talk about a bum deal...you've got it. If it's not pain, it's insurance. You definitely need to get over to that pity party and unwind a bit (if you can with the back pain...might be a bit tricky!). Vent away, any way you can; it's the only healthy way to deal with this.

Hang in there!


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Hi Ella,

Stay strong.... this too shall pass. Scream, yell, cry get it all out and you will feel better.

Please feel better real soon. Thinking of you and hope you will feel like your old self again in no time.


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Hello, Ella,

It's a beautiful, rainy morning here on the Central Coast of California. I hope that when you open your eyes it won't be so hard to find the beauty, and that today brings you relief. It can be down right overwhelming when we keep getting hammered with no real respite.

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