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Hi All,

Just want to update you on Joel's condition since I last posted. This is week 2 since taking that radioactive iodine pill.

Just to update you again, I told you he went to the Endocrinologist and found out he has Graves disease, which is an over-active thyroid. This caused him to lose 40 lbs, loss of appitite, a rapid heart rate and become so fatigued to a point where it was getting hard for him to walk. This all happened while he was going through his rehab for the LC operation. We were very worried at the time that maybe they did not get all the cancer. But thank G-d that that is turned out to he the thyroid, that is treatable.

They gave him a radiation pill 2 weeks ago today to kill the thyroid and then it would become underactive which is treatable with medication. He will have to take the medication. everyday for the rest of his life.

Anyway, he is doing wonderful. He can actually shower and shave the same day without getting fatigued. He even took me out to dinner and a movie last night. And has gained close to 10 lbs back already, in one week. He is eating me out of of the house!! :shock:

Now we have to wait for him to get his strength back to a pretty normal level so he could finally go through chemo :D

The only question I have is , he still is short of breath. He had the lobectomy on December 15. Will this pass? :?::?:

He has an appointment with his pulmonary doctor this Thursday. Is there any kind of rehab. places he can go too, to increase his breathing level ? Any suggestions. :roll:

As always, thanks for taking the time to read my post. :wink:




I'm thinking that it reallly hasn't been that long since Joel's surgery, and with all the other problems he's had, it wouldn't be surprising that he's still short of breath. The pulmonologist will be able to point you in the right direction regarding rehab, but if he's feeling better, walking for exercise is probably the very best thing he can do for himself.

I'm glad he's doing better. I'm having some thyroid issues myself, but the opposite, hypoactive. It's kind of a pain, but at least it's treatable, so I'm not complaining.



Great news Maryanne, glad to see that Joel has finally turned around.

Can't really answer your questions on his breathing since I had a total lung removal but hopefully someone will be able to help you there.




It's wonderful to know Joel is doing so much better. As for the shortness of breath, does he have a pumonologist he sees regularly? Mike sees his pulmonologist on a regular basis and he has him go through tests to check his lung function on each visit. There are classes offered to help patients with rehabilitation and functioning with less lung function, as well. I also would like to say that only two months after a lobectomy, I'm sure it will take time to regain strength and lung function. When Mike had his pneumonectomy it took months to gradually build up his strength. These are all things that the oncologist doesn't get involved in, but his pulmonologist takes care of. Again, things sure sound like they are improving and I'm so happy to hear all your good news..




I agree that two months out from a lobectomy isn't really enough time to feel up to par. And a wacky thyroid can surely cause some setbacks, It sounds like you're on the right track though.



Glad to see that Joel has improved so much. My husband too is on medication due to having no thyroid. Glad to see Joel has gained some of his weight back. Hopefully he will not be like me. I had to go out and buy larger clothes, now they are tight. Probally time to take some off.

Best Wishes,



Great news is so wonderful to hear! Thanks for letting us know. I'm sure you're having a ball cooking and helping put that weight back on him!!!!



Sorry I missed this earlier. Glad to hear that Joel is responding well to the therapy for Grave's. I have relatives who develop tumors on their parathyroids and thyroid glands. Some developed Hyper and others Hypo thyroid disorders as a result of the tumors I'm just glad the docs were able to find a way to help Joel. Having Lung Cancer is tough enough without having to deal with other serious undiagnosed or untreated medical conditions.


Of course I'm a week late!

Give him time, he has been through a lot. I was going to begin pulmonary rehab 8mths after surgery and three months after treatment but the cancer came back and it's kinda not necessary now!

Pulmonary rehab could help but he needs to get through chemo probably.


Great news, as I said I was diagnosed with Graves Disease at the time I was diagnosed with cancer and was treated. I was so skinny! Now however after being tired with treatment etc I put on a lot of weight and can't get rid of it! But I am alive so who should complain.

Your question re shortness of breath- He really needs to exercise and build up his tolerance. Around here there are place for "Pulmonary Rehabilitation" like Cardiac Rehab, they exercise you and watch your O2 sats etc as walking on a treadmil or riding a stationary bike. If it is OK with the Dr. perhaps he could give a referal. If not available ask the Dr if he could go to the YMCA and take water aerobics. Anyone else have any ideas? Even just walking is great. Donna G

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