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Life in Palm Bay/OT


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Wow, I'm beginning to wonder about life in Palm Bay, Florida. As many of you remember, we were absolutely hammered by two hurricanes last fall. Then, yesterday, there was a really bad tornado here in our little town. I had no damage but there were about 14 homes that have been destroyed. People here are just now getting new roofs on and repairs made from the hurricanes. Now there will be so many families that have to deal with this new destruction. I have lived here since 1988 and things have been so nice and mellow. Think it's just our turn???

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Sorry that your town is getting hit so hard, Ann. A small town in Minnesota was hit one year with some serious floods and the next year a deadly tornado. The small community rallied around and although so many were affected traumatically, the towns' people rallied around each other and brought a closeness in the community that was stronger than they ever dreamed possible.

Sometimes there are miracles in disasters.

love, Cindi o'h

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Ann, when I saw the news the other day, I thought of you! For those of you not from Central Florida, Ann's not kidding about the Palm Bay area being just a small area. It's unbelievable that Mother Nature has slammed it over and over in such a short period of time.

I guess statistically speaking, Ann, if has to let up now for a good long while???? but I bet you thought that after hurricane #2 and before hurricane #3 and the recent tornado.

S.O.S.! Give Palm Bay and Ann a break somebody!

Gina, in a much calmer Lake Mary Florida

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Gina...isn't this amazing??? I hope we are spared during this upcoming hurricane season but the forecasts don't look good at all. The NWS is saying to expect a season very similar to last year. Think we can handle this again?????

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I'm not sure if my sanity will hold out :? with another crazy hurrican eseason - And what we experienced was NOTHING compared to your area.

I firmly realized after a couple of weeks with no power that I was NOT a camper and that I did NOT like roughing it *grin* - especially with 95 degree heat, 95%+ humidity , mold and bugs everywhere. I told my husband that this time we would just go to a hotel and he laughed, his evil little laugh, and reminded me that last time there was no room at any of the inns :(

I'm going to have to work out a better exit strategy this year and I'll take you with me!

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