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pets and illness and death ????


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while my father was very ill and i was taking care of him, i had my

cats with me at his house. they are both very very affectionate cats

and often are on visitor's laps within a few minutes of their

arrival! but the entire time we were in NY with Dad, they completely

wouldn't go near him!! and when I would place one of them near or on

my Dad, they would just get up and run away. I dont' understand this.

Was it my father's rage at his condition? or something? did

they "smell" illness? anyone have any experience with this?? it

really kind of broke my heart that my cats would not go near him as i

think he would have enjoyed having them near him and petting

them.... : (

A few hours before my father died, I was amazed when one of my cats

jumped on his bed and walked around his head! i thought, my goodness,

this cat is a barometer! My dad must be at peace!!!! I then placed

her between his legs where she loves to sleep on us and she stayed

there for HOURS! it gave me some comfort to see my cat there, so

peacefully resting with my dad. i really felt like she was a

barometer of my dad's peace or lack thereof.

i'd be intersted to hear other animal stories. OH! also, the night my

dad died, just maybe, i don't know, 15 minutes or so before he died,

i brought my cat into bed with me. Usually she stays right there,

nestled in my arms. but this time, UP she went and ran away. She was

very nervous. She sensed SOMETHING before I realized what was about

to happen and that my dad was just several minutes away from passing.



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Hi Lori.

Animals are interesting, aren't they? People have told me that cats, in particular, have a special sense about illness. I have noticed it too.

My cats loved me.. me! They would sniff some visitors sometimes but never would show my visitors their true, loving selves.

But. My Dad spent the night a couple of months before he had his first seizure from brain cancer. My cats were all over him...like nothing I have ever seen before. Was it his illness that they sensed? And if so, what is the attraction? At the time, I thought it was just my Dad. He was a dog lover and really, an animal lover. And when my cats were purring all over him, that is what I thought it was. Now, I don't know. I just know that they were acting 'differently'.

While I have been sick, my cats are unusually patient with me. Very gentle, and unobtrusive. They have been quietly by my side. When I was going through cancer therapy, I had one cat, TimmyTom, my old shi##y cat. He was very quiet, polite, forgiving, and close...always close. It was very comforting for me to have him curled around my legs or feet. Or to have him perched on my side as I watched TV.

Since I have recovered, he is at more of a distance now. He can do that and he is comfortable with it.

Cats are funny creatures..don't we love 'em?

I hope that you are on the mend now. It is tough. I am glad that you have some peace.

love, Cindi (another daddy's girl)

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