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Frank Lamb

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Frank... I am sorry to hear this latest update, but more shocked that you never mentioned you weren't feeling good!!! Is that a male thing or WHAT???? Seriously, I am praying for you. As far as the CT not showing "inside" when Daddy had his esophogus cancer diagnosed, it did not show in the ct... only showed once they scoped him - which seems kindof unreal, but that is what happened.

Listen my friend, you are such an inspiration to us all, you need to muster up your strength and kick some butt... ya hear me!!!

Lots of good thoughts heading your way. Love, Sharon

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Okay Mr. Smarty Pants - STOP looking for jokes for US and tell us what's going on with YOU for Christ sake!

Sorry to hear about the new trouble, but I don't doubt for a minute it's anything you can't handle!

Hugs and prayers,


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I am so sorry, Frank. I'm grateful that your docs took the time to look for something and found it early and are making plans to rid you of it. I'm just so frustrated....I'm told that the tests they do are so sensitive that they can diagnose many diseases and recurrent or metastatic cancers at extremely early stages....and if that's the case WHY is this (apparently) true for all diseases/cancers EXCEPT LUNG CANCER? Thank goodness that your docs listened to what you were saying. Prayer is coming your way for healing...

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I can't believe this is happening to you. There have been way too many "clean" scans and then weeks later bad news. Please keep us posted...we all love you you know. Now for a little advise. If the machine is at another hospital and they are lending it to yours...do your docs have a lot of experience with it? If not, go to the other hospital for this procedure. Experience is important when dealing with these things.

That said, you are in my prayers and will continue to be. I wish you only the best of news from now on. Got to get you well so that your jokes don't quit appearing.

Keep up the good fight and LET US KNOW! How can we pray for something to be ok that we don't even know about? I am sure HE knows but it would be nice if we did. I think alot of you Frank. Get well soon ok?


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Hi Frank,

Hope you're on the mend soon. I have to wonder if I may have something similar going on. I have this odd whistle that goes on in my throat all night long. As soon as I lay down, it starts & doesn't stop till I get out of bed. It makes breathing a little more difficult but most of all - how in the devil do you sleep when you're serenading yourself all night long? In the beginning they said it was from the cancer but that with the reductions I've had, it should have gone away or at least subsided. All I have to say is thank God my husband has another bedroom he can go to for a little sleep. I really am quite musical.

God Bless & good luck with your dilemma,


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My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know why you didn't let anyone know that this was going on is because you didn't want to worry anyone needlessly. But remember everyone is here for you just like you are for them. You are one of rocks of this board. You always have something positive to say.

I wonder why in the world these doctors continue to give us these test if they are not sufficient. Guess it's a money thing with the insurance companies. Would a MRI should anything?

Best Wishes,


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My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know why you didn't let anyone know that this was going on is because you didn't want to worry anyone needlessly. But remember everyone is here for you just like you are for them. You are one of rocks of this board. You always have something positive to say.

I wonder why in the world these doctors continue to give us these test if they are not sufficient. Guess it's a money thing with the insurance companies. Would a MRI showed anything?

Best Wishes,


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Thank You Everyone so very much for all your responses and support. It means a lot to me.

It's monday morning & the hospital called and said to come on in.(I didn't think they would call til tomorrow).They have the machine there but said they are very busy(theres 9 ors there and they keep em going all day).they will do everything they can to get me in.If they don't get me in I'll be kept overnite & done tomorrow.So it looks like I'll be home either tues or wed.

Hope I can breath easier after this.

Thank You All Again for your support.

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Frank -

I stopped by to check in on everyone and find this :( ....and too late even to wish you well with the procedure. You are one of a kind and always are offering words of support to everyone - now let us be your support and shoulder if needed. ((((((Frank & Connie)))))))

Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers - I know everything will work out and when you are back I will be right behind Cindi and Ry holding a BIG box of chocolate cake donuts to go with your Bud Light.

Much Love to you!!!


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