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Maybe someone can explain....


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My dad passed away a year and a half ago. I just realized yesterday that I have (for the most part) stopped crying when I am alone in the car. It took a long time to finally dream about him but I do sometimes now. I love to dream about him becasue I get to see him but he is ALWAYS sick in the dreams. Why? That's not how I want to see him.....but I guess at least I AM seeing him....


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I don't know the explanation, but I do know there is an Indian way to work with dreams. If this is recurring, the next time he appears sickly, ask him "Why are your sick? What do you want?" If you don't do it in the dream itself, when you first awake, close your eyes and run through the scene in your mind again, asking the questions. All that we dream is part of us, and part of you may still be grappling with this and is not healed. Hopefully, this exercise will help you. Good luck. Don

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Great information, Don. That makes so much sense to me. I know that when I dream of Dennis, he is always well. There have been dreams where I am actually explaining to him that he is dead, as he never seems to have a clue in my dreams.

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Hi Kris,

Its so good to hear from you..Maybe if you start to think of the times when your dad wasnt sick (hard I know)you can dream of him healthy, try to think of the happy times(another hard one)right before falling asleep...Other than your dreams I hope your doing ok....

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I think you are probably dreaming of your Dad in a sick state, because that is one of your last memories of him... I have dreamt of Daddy a few times since his death in December, in one dream he was COMPLETELY fine, looked about 45 years old and we had the nicest chat, wasn't like a dream at all... I felt like it was more a "visit" from him. He spoke about how "I didn't know I was that sick!!" "Did you see how much weight I lost and how skinny I looked at the end"? It was very weird, but also kind of comforting...I am sure you will have other dreams about your Dad in which he is well and happy, follow Don's advice. Love, Sharon

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