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WFShaw : How are you doing?


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We are thinking about you and hoping that your news is good. We are jealous of the early detection, but very very grateful for you to have it.

You are in our prayers, as are all of the friends on this support board.

Thanks for being here.

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Hi All,

Went for my Bronchoscopy today. Spent most of the day at the hospital. Test wasn't bad at all but the Dr says it will take four-five days for the results. He told me after the test, of course, I have smokers lungs, but so far only the small 2cm nodule is showing cancerous. No enlarged lymph nodes . He took a small piece out. Said he hopes he got enough. He had to stop prematurely do to some bleeding. He did check the other lung and areas and said they looked ok except for the smokers lungs but no other signs of LC right now. So the waiting game begins. Hopefully I will know more by Friday. Have MRI (brain scan) and bone scan scheduled for Friday also and then the Pulmonary function tests on Monday. Told the Dr I would like to go to Fox Chase in Philadelphia if I am a candidate for surgery and he said not a problem. He has connections there and will set everything up for me. Still quite nervous and scared about the rest of the tests. WIll keep you posted. Thanks again to all of you wonderful people for your kindness and support. GOD bless all of you and my hopes and prayers are with you all for a successful recovery.

Bill in PA

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Bill-----I am glad everything looks pretty good---I know how devastating it is when you first find out. I hope you get the same results that I have had---going on 5 years now.

best wishes and keep us posted

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Sounds like things are moving right along and that your doctor's are working with you and your requests.

I had my PFT first before any other tests. As soon as I passed that they scheduled the surgery then in the interm they did the testing. I'm glad they moved quickly but from the time of the diagnosis to the day of my surgery was only 10 days and that doesn't give one much time to think about what's going on. It certainly didn't give me time to think good things anyway.

It's all turned out good for me and here's hoping the same for you.


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Hey Bill,

Hang in there. You have much behind you. And more in front of you. It is the stuff inbetween that is sometimes the most difficult. Hope that you can find ways to keep your hands occupied. They have a way of keeping the mind occupied.

Glad that your doc supports your decision for finding the best surgeon that you can.

love, Cindi o'h

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Just got call from Pulmonoligist that did Bronch and Biopsy. Inconclusive due to bleeding......DAMN IT...MORE WAITING. He will try to schedule the needle biopsy asap ...hopefully early next week. Did say inflammatory tissue, brushings of lungs was all negative...good sign. Whatever that means.!!?? Set me up with a surgeon at Fox Chase in Philadelphia if needed. Still need MRI, BONE SCAN, Pul Func Teast amdn now another Bioipsy. Can't handle the waiting.

Thanks again to all you wonderful caring people out there. Really helps the anguish.

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Hi, Bill:

It looks like you got good news and bad news--the good news being that if you do have lung cancer, it is not large and is more than likely surgically removable. The bad news is that you have more waiting. But be blessed that no matter what, it doesn't look like your problem is going to be the worst possible situation.

I know what you mean by the anguish in waiting. I drove my friends, husband and children nuts. The anguish can be helped by staying busy, which I should have done.

Hang in there, Bill. You'll find out soon and know where you have to go and how to handle this.

Hope and Prayers to you


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I hope you get your answers soon, we all understand here the agony of waiting and uncertainty. Just food for thought, my surgeon did not want anything to do with trying a needle biopsy. He said that a biopsy has too many difficult side effects, and unless he got a positive, he wouldn't trust the results. He said it had to come out of there anyway, so surgery was the only option. I am grateful every day for him.


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Also; it is important to realize, as I was made to understand, that tumors dont grow huge overnight....while it is prudent to expedite diagnosis and treatment, it really doesnt make much difference if they find a pea or a grape size tumor in there, or so...

I have suspicions my tumor was growing in there for maybe a year or even two or three....dunno...it was large, but still hadnt invaded lymphs or metastisized anywhere.

Someone here pointed this out to me when I was in my panic stage and it helped me to calm down a bit. Hope it helps u too....course, there are always anti-anxiety meds from doc., ...doesnt hurt to bring the worry down a little. Wont change the outcome and just drags u out unncessarily, huh? Ok...take care...and try to take it one step at a time...Rich B.

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Good Morning,

Can anyone tell me the risks of the needle biopsy?? I had the bronch and it came back inconclusive so now they are going to scheduke me for the needle biopsy. I have read somewhere there is more risk involved in this procedure???

thank you,

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We are no experts............we can only speak from experience.....Brian had a fine needle biopsy. It went smoothly and safely. He only had a bit of soreness afterward for a couple days. It was easy-peasy (our grandaughter's favorite word) and he is glad to have had it.

We are so sorry for your anxiousness. We have all those same feelings of dread and fear. Try to breathe and trust and know there are lots of us in the same boat and we will be praying for you and all of us.

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oh Melanie... that was just plain cruel..I used to like you up until now!

I will not be able to get that out of my head!

Hey Bill. I guess there are risks with the needle biopsy. We had all discussed this a few weeks back..wish I knew where that thread was...

All I can say is my own experience. It went well. I was hospitalized at the time so they may have given me some yummy in the IV before the procedure. I got a bandaid when it was all through. When it is all done, you get a chest xray to make sure that your lung is still inflated. So, that is good.

I will try to find that thread. It was a good one. And then Cunningham answered a question regarding this subject also.

So glad that you are here, Bill (and Melanie! you brat! :P )

love, Cindi o'h

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I normally don't get involved with others comments and

I probably shouldn't here either. Sad this has to


Let's all play fair and not attack one another. Please be

kind to one another. Melanie and Cindi, I

love reading both of your posts, and like you both very much

so PLEASE don't take anything personally. We loose too many people because of this terrible disease. :(Let's not loose anyone due to words.

Bill, I had the needle biopsy and did just fine. As far as

saying what is safe or not safe. I can't answer that. I am only

a patient who has been tested this way. It came back

inconclusive. The suggestion Cindi makes, ASK the EXPERTS is

a good place to ask your question. We have some very fine

doctor's on this board. You are in my prayers, please keep us


Cindi/Melanie. Please don't be upset. I love you both, you are both

very special to me and your comments are respected... :wink:

God Bless, prayers and gentle huge cyber hugs,


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wow, karen.

I am in awe... how could anyone misconstrue what I had written. I guess if you take what I had written as serious and not in the RaZZ (see emoticon) way it was intended, then I suppose...

hmmmm.??? I hope that no one else thinks I am picking a fight with MelanieLR..she is cool.

But, we could use an old fashioned fist fight around here, that's for sure.. it builds the tension and there is some kind of release that comes with it that is somehow fulfilling..

Anyone want to give it a go? We would have to really act like we meant it though... !

Again :P

Settle down there Karen and re-read the post in a different light and you will see my sarcasm about the Jeopardy dodoodo in there.. have you never been able to get a song out of YOUR head...(it is torture)

Cindi o'h

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Hi Bill---I had a needle biopsy---and a few hours after, while I was in recovery, I did have a partial lung collapse---they did not put a tube in but kept me overnight for observation and it inflated itself---but other than that, there were no problems.

However, I had to ask for a valium drip---they said are you sure? I insisted---as of course anyone would be nervous.

I know some people think there is a danger of "seeding" if you go to the ask the experts forum, it appears that it does not happen .

Best of luck to you and I hope you get good results.


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The risks , explained to me by the interventional radiologist, were the usual...possibility of infection, etc....but the major one was possiblility of lung collapse, higher for smokers...he estimated about 40% chance in my case. (smoker). said it might require 3 days in hosp. if it occurred. \

Fortunately, it all went well, and a good sample was obtained and diagnosed. After a few hrs. observation time, (to make sure lung stayed inflated), I went home with a band aid. All in all not to bad. Wish u luck...Rich B.

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Had my needle biopsy Friday and should have the results by Wednesday of next week. Went very well. Dr said he got enough tissue and no lung collapse or anything else for that matter. Was home from the Hosp by 1:00 pm. However I have a question: I had a prior bronoscopy and he said he didn't get enough tissue due to a 'bleed' as he called it. Are any of you aware if this can cause the cancer to spread? I have heard of seeding but really do not know what it means. I also posted this question to Ask the experts but probably won't hear from them until next week.

Thank you all again for your support

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