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Going for first mamogram tomorrow-very scared(updated result


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Cindi, I thought of you. When Sharyn posted about having to go back, you mentioned your breast center where you wear nice robes, drink tea on fine poreclain. I was like she has to be kidding. Well..............the robes were GREAT, the atmosphere was spa like, there was a beautiful cyrstal pitcher with water and it had lemons and limes cut in it (adds to presentation of the water), and th ey had chocolate chip cookies, biscottis, etc. I was in shock! :)

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Andrea - I'm just seeing this, darn it all, but glad everything worked out fine, and you know, you should be very proud of yourself, you didn't freak out because you have a cyst! See, if you were REALLY ultra-paranoid you'd be doing that!

Anyway, so glad everything worked out, and yes, I feel for you, mood swings on clomid. sure hope the clomid works, 'cause you don't want the mood swings you'd get on the injectibles!


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Dear Andrea,

I know this is not a favorite test for anyone but I'm sure you'll do fine. I agree with Cindy's training & conditioning regimine. They wouldn't let me go for mine this year because of the chemo-port. They said it would damage the port. Now that's what I call a worthwhile surgery!

My prayers are with you,


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Hi Andrea,

Sorry I didn't post earlier. For some reason I miss your post.

But Iam so glad that everything turned out alright. When I first had my mammo, they also took all these test and told me the same thing about the cysts and to come back in 6 months. They have to watch it in the beginning to make sure there is no sign of enlargement. That was years ago, and there has been no change.

Now you can concentrate on having that baby you want so much. Good luck, I hope you conceive real soon. You will make a wonderful mom.


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