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Dave - Brain MRI Monday morning

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Ok, Dave goes back for his third brain MRI since December - one every six weeks - and THIS TIME, HOPEFULLY, the neurosurgeon will make up his mind whether the peas/lima beans are bran mets or "just" radiation damage. Now that he's got other mets I suppose it makes it a little more likely that it's brain mets. So I am very nervous.

Think I should take a one whole mg of xanax that morning instead of my usual .5 mg? I'm driving of course, Dave can't drive.


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Another met does not a brain met make! Ok, Karen that is my Shakespear for today. Keep the positive endorphins churning. Worry doesn't help in any positive way. Today be happy. Enjoy your getaway weekend and don't mention cancer, or chemo, or met. You are only allowed fun and romantic words, thoughts and deeds this weekend.

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Another met does not a brain met make!

Ginny is so right! This MRI is going to come back with a report that David is empty-headed!!! When he forgets to put down the toilet seat, you won't be able to call him a brainless moron, but you will be able to call him a metless moron!

Now, go do some smoochin' and you know, other stuff, and have a good weekend!



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Oh, the getaway weekend is NEXT weekend, but I haven't been thinking about it so far today, too busy! got two showings of our house tomorrow and meeting with the real estate agent during one of them to discuss dropping the price to get this house sold.

Ginny, Love your Shakespeare!

Cindy, I laughed out loud, what a comedy that would be, of course Faith would jump at the chance to drive. she thinks she's 16 already, with her cherry red finger and toenails!

deep breathes!


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