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Smile for the hidden camera!


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Well, make that the "hidden scope." Will be - FINALLY - getting my stopped up bile duct cleaned out on Monday. I was about ready to crawl into a cave to get away from the medical profession - endless scans, scratching their heads in confusion, "Well, it could be this or could be this or could be that," and on and on.

Finally got to a gastroenterologist who took one look at me (I'm a nice shade of yellow) and set me up for Monday. He's going to go in there with a scope, unstop my bile duct, have a look around, and get some washings for pathology. If there are stones or the gallbladder is bad, he will get me with a surgeon right then. The other docs had already mentioned several more tests, and I was NOT inclined to do many more, especially since I'm in deductible he!! still, and they didn't seem to learn any more from the next test than they had the last. This gasteroenterologist though - said NO more tests. We don't NEED more tests -- he could see from just the ultrasound I had last week what was going on, and said he will fix this and get me feeling better - guaranteed.

I was ready to kiss this guy's ring!

I've felt really crappy for a month, weight is falling off (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but not this way!), bilirubin going through the sky, looking like the Easter Bunny dropped a pint of yellow paint on my head, etc.

When I feel better, I truly hope to get back here posting. I'm thinking of you all and reading trying to keep up with what's going on with you all. I pray for us all, and hope everyone is hanging in there.


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You've got my love and best wishes heading your way, Di...you know that. So glad you'll be getting this taken care of and maybe getting a little add'l info while the gastro surgeon is at it!

Hang in there sweetie....yellow never really was your color, you know. I like you much better in a healthier shade of pink!! :wink: Come Monday....you'll be surrounded by good vibes....so be sure to let us know soon as you can, how you're feeling and how you're doing, ok?

My thoughts will be with you all the way thru.....

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Hi Di.

Bum...mer on the yellow and feeling like yellow. Hope that you are able to eat. Fresh squeezed orange juice and Stoned wheat thins and chevre cheese seemed to hit the spot when stuff in that area was haywire for me.

Hang in there. Monday's not too far away. Best of luck with this. Let us know.

love, Cindi o'h

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