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My turn to need a little support...


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Hi all,

I've been after Greg to get to the Dr. for some time because he's had substantial amounts of blood in his stool. Well, he finally made an appointment, kept it & went for all the appropriate blood tests. This afternoon, he received a call from the Dr.'s office informing him that within 1 week his PSA went from 3.5 to 8. I'm really loosing it. He's been acting "off" for some time now, all of which just can't be attributed to the stress of caring for me. Kind like that insane argument we had the day I had my strange little "crisis". As a matter of fact, my sister commented on how oddly he was acting when she visited yesterday. At several points, we would be talking about somethins & suddenly, Greg would be in the middle of a conversation about something totally unrelated. We couldn't figure out where the heck this was coming from. I mean, I understand going off on a tangent but this was really different. As if it were not only what we had been talking about the whole time but as if it made total sense, which it didn't.

Now, with my brain tumors, far be it from me to act as if everything I say & do makes total sense all the time right now, but this was so much more than that.

He is supposed to schedule some tests in the morning. I am so insane with worry right now, I really think I just might lose it here.

I just ask you all to throw lots of prayers around

Hugs to all,


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I don't have brain mets. My brain takes vacations on me at times, sometimes while I'm driving, sometimes while I'm talking...and my concentration and short term memory aren't what they used to be. Stress is real good for screwing with a person's mind. It really could be stress, compounded with more stress...and more...and then, for a man, having possible "issues with the boys".

My husband who only has been touched by cancer through me, is having some concentration and memory issues, as well. It would be one thing if he kept forgetting he bought flowers for me the day before and brought home a new dozen daily, he just forgets to buy 'em altogether (sure hope he's reading! LOL). Seriously, though, memories and concentration levels in our house are below normal - and that ain't normal for us.

Follow up on the PSA news, but don't panic. Doesn't necessarily mean that he has cooties, too.

Big hugs,


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It is plainly time for the referee to throw the flag for "piling on".

We are so so sorry for your worry and concern.

Please consider yourself hugged and cared for............and know that we are praying for your family and a respite from worry.

Love and prayers.

Pat and Brian

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Melanie.. I hear you. I take what you are saying seriously. It is during these times of "not knowing" when the stress really piles on.

Not to take lightly what you just said. Not at all. But, why don't you PM me with your email address, and I will send you a good laugh that I got in the mail today.... (I had a horribly stressful day, and a good laugh felt so good)

with so much love for you.

Cindi o'h

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It does seem to come in waves, doesn't it? I can't figure out why that happens, but it sure does happen to me, too.

Don't know if this will help, but here's a quote I keep on my pc desktop:

"The truth is, there’s no better time to be happy than right now. . . . Your life will always be filled with challenges." - Richard Carlson

Hang in there, kiddo. Keep us posted.



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Well, that one's pretty darn good, Becky. Just for that, I've got two more on my desktop. The first is I got from Cindi O'h, and the second one I am doomed because I can't remember who posted it, but it was somebody here, so I hope they will come on and take credit.


Step one: "I can't"

Step two: "He can"

Step three: "I think I will let Him"

The one I can't remember who wrote it:

"It never, ever gets easier, we simply grow stronger."

Hope these help, Melanie!

Love to all,


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OH Melanie,

I am so sad to hear of your most recent problems. Please know I am thinking and praying for you and Greg.

It sure has been an unbelievable year for me too and I can't bear the thought that it is really still just the beginning. I have been to three funerals, my dads cancer has returned and one of my best friends just called to let me know that her mom has inoperable cancer (pancreas, lung and other spots to yet all be looked into with scans this week). So when Pat and Brian say "piling on" I sure can relate.

I wish I could rewind and freeze time to when we weren't looking at such horrible things for all of us.

Hugs and prayers to you,


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I want to thank everyone who has responded to my cry for help. I also want you to know that I feel so much more calm thanks to all of you - & God. Somehow, just when I need Him the most, He really has been coming through for me. When I wrote that post, I wouldn't have believed it if you told me that right this moment I would somehow be filled with inner peace & calm but that is exactly what has happened. Don't know how to explain it or understand where it's coming from but I'm sure glad it's there.

Just do me a big favor. Keep those prayers a comin'.

May God bless you all as he's blessed me.


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I am going to 'pile on' prayers for you and your wonderful husband. My BIL has had a PSA of 10 for years and years. The docs just keep watching it.

And as everybody says, it just seems things do come in bunches. But let the good news come in bunches too.

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I am going to 'pile on' prayers for you and your wonderful husband. My BIL has had a PSA of 10 for years and years. The docs just keep watching it.

And as everybody says, it just seems things do come in bunches. But let the good news come in bunches too.

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I don't have any major advice other than you seem to be doing the right thing and going with your judgement on your husband's condition. I am sending prayers your way that if it is anything it is minor and can be taken care of easily. Stress is a nasty little thing and maybe that is all it is.

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