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Dr. Paul Bunn, Jr.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to see Dr. Bunn last Thursday and it was great! At my appointment time they called me to the back. The nurse was a temp worker, but she was very professional. After blood pressure, temp, respiration, she took me to a room. I waited about 10 minutes and an assistant doctor came in. He was kind and compassionate and listened to all the answers to his questions. He then left and I heard him conferring with Dr. Bunn. Then He and Dr. Bunn came in. Dr. Bunn listened to me and to my husband. Dr. Bunn asked questions about more than just my cancer (Was I going to move to Colorado? etc.) Dr. Bunn said that as long as I wanted to fight he was in for the fight too! He said that we, together, will consider all options for success!

So I'm moving from Oklahoma to Colorado. I really liked him. He is supposed to be the number 1 lung cancer guy in the United States. If you check him out you will find that the University of Colorado hospital is ranked #35 in cancer treatment and that last year, Dr. Bunn was the president of the Society of Clinical Onocologists. Now realize that he is not a very 'hands-on' kind of guy, but he seems to be bright, caring, compassionate and willing to fight a good battle. What more can a girl ask for!!!!

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