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Alimta Reload #3. What gets rid of Hiccups?


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Charlie ---

Are the "hiccups" a side effect of Alimata? Just curious -- in your case. My daughter has had the hiccups for almost 2 years now and I'm not kidding. Sometimes she hiccups two or three times in a 5 min. span, sometimes just once in 5 min.... The severity of her hiccups seems to vary. My doctor is amazed by her and his comment under his breath is usually, "THis is not right." She has been scanned from head to toe looking for clues but nothing has turned up. I believe if you google hiccups, you'll see a few medications which have been used with varying success; however, she really does not want to try meds. The hiccups really don't interfere with her life at all; they never bother her when she sleeps. Anyhow, good luck and if you learn anything about hiccups, let me know.

Gail p-m

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Hi Charlie,

This may sound silly, but it works for me...

A glass of water and drink from the opposite side of the glass.

Instead of drinking the water normal way, tilt the

glass with water in it away from you. In other words put your lips on

the opposite side of the glass and drink a few sips. It

changes your diaphram breathing. Hope this works and

my instructions are understandable for you. Let me know.

Also try, bitters and lemon or a little bit of sugar on a tsp..

God Bless and prayers,


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No not the hiccups! I was thinking that there was something they can give you for the hiccups though!

My reload #3 is this coming Wednesday. No nausea at all! Last treatment I did: ice cream, ice chips, slurpees and lots of small meals. I always kept a little food in my stomach....24/7....that seemed to help alot!

Praying everyday for you, this is gonna work for us! Keep us posted! Hang in there!

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Kate - Think you are right about the hiccups being associated with nausea. I started taking Zorfan this afternoon (wasn't supposed to start till tomorrow am) and the hiccups have subsided. Got a little nausea but is manageable. Did what you mentioned Beth and it helps with the nausea. You Docs know your stuff. Take care and God Bless.


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Had Alimta reload yesterday. Feeling great so far except for hiccups. On Zofran and Dexamethasone and they don't seem to help. Guess I'll just have to tough it out. Any ideas?

Charle :

Odds are that the cause of your hiccups is benign as others have stated . But, since you have a hx of pleural effusions I wanted to mention that my wife's pulmonologist mentioned hiccups on his watch list of symptoms that could indicate that a pleural effusion may be reforming.

Good luck.

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You just might have to give up the "rotgut".. u think? :lol: Actually, Mike has times he has hiccups too especially the day of chemo and the day after. I always wondered if it was the dexamethasone. He doesn't have nausea, so that isn't the culprit with him. He doesn't like "rotgut" either.. lol although it does seem a couple Bud Lights start it up.


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Thanks for the tips. Heard of the lemon and bitters before but didn't think of it. Grand Manier and beer chaser, Karen you ARE a devil. LOL. They are gone now and just nausea has set in but a bit better today. Beth, you had yours today, how'd it go? Will be looking for your post. Sue, haven't felt much like a rotgut on ice recently, but it is not completely out of the question.

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