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My eight year old nephew spent 4 days with me, and I had forgotten just how much fun the world can be when viewed through the lens of an eight year old child. What a hoot!

He went home yesterday, and the house is too quiet.

And I was able to keep up with him!


Fay, I know what you mean. Eight year olds can be really fascinating people. That's one of the reasons that I love (most of the time, that is) teaching 3rd grade. Most days are not dull and I learn new things all the time despite being an "old" teacher.

Congrats on keeping up with your nephew too. At least I don't take these kids home.

Gail p-m


That's great, Fay. You're doing better than me. I know I couldn't keep up with my nephew even if I tried. He's quite a bundle of energy. I'm so glad that you got to have a good time with him!



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