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Any Frank updates?


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Frank is still in the VA hospital: they are still trying to regulate his body functions. He is out of the CCU unit, though, and in a semi-monitored room, which is progress, and has started back on radiation while he is there. He is walking around (down to only 1 IV) and keeping watch out his room window across the way to the Pitt dorms where he is trying to figure out who is hugging who!!! ..... when I went in to visit after work last night, that was pretty much the topic of great interest ... i looked out and sure enough there was hugging but I couldn't quite figure out who was hugging who either! Connie, as always, is with Frank every step of the way. ... they are a great team!!! By the way, Frank says "hi" to all: the other day I printed out what I could of the responses to the last email .... your support and caring are a great source of comfort!!! He was tickled to hear from you.

Well, as I have a tendency to do, I have rambled on quite a bit. Connie or I will keep you updated (I promise to be less long-winded the next time) until Frank gets home and is back at the keys.

pattie (Frank's sister)

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You can talk as much as you want! Don't worry about being long-winded around here - especially when you are talking about one of our favorite guys, Frank.

Tell him to enjoy the view and let hime know we are thinking about and praying for him.


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Give Frank my best and hope he is home real soon.

Tell him we are saving Buds for him at Cindi's 50th birthday party on Thursday. We will have a place for him at the bar with Buds lined up!!

If he can't make it we will miss him, but we know he will be there in spirit. I bet those Bud lights will magically disappear!! :roll:

We miss his presence and his humor... Hurry back Frank we need you here.


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Thanks so much for the update, Patti.

Tell Frank to hurry up and get better and get home. We are missing his 8 a.m. jokes...! (not really...most of them are pretty twisted lol)

Glad he is down to just one IV. He has told us how much he likes getting poked...or is it pricked? In any event...happy bird watching, Frank, and if you can't see everything, you could always make it up as you go along...use your imagination, dear.

love to Frank, Connie and all.

Cindi o'h

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Hey Frank....we have an "A.B.L.B.U." around here. I bet you are the only guy who knows what that is...eh? An "Acute Bud Lite Back Up" :wink: You better get yer duff outta that hospital and get back here in front of the cooler where you belong. Some of us are running out of room for OUR libations with the overrun of Bud Lite! :roll:

Take care of yourself...and hurry back. You are missed a lot!

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