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5 months no word from ssa

Guest singlecancermom

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Guest singlecancermom

its been 5 months since i applied for disability for nsclc have not heard from ssa,, just found out today biopys confirmed mass in abdomen is cancer,,,, im single with 3 children short term is moving into long term and my percentage will drop in a few weeks,,, i dont know how we will make it any suggestions,,,, ive called ssa they told me my state disability determination board has my records,,,,, any suggestions will be appreciated

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call your local SS office and ask to speak to a case worker. If they cant help you tell them your situation and make them give you someone who can tell you the status of your claim. They have someone there who knows. If its been 5 months and your approved, then your entitled to your money now.

call right now and demand someone help you. you paid into it. make them help you now

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Guest singlecancermom

thanks for your reply ginny,, spoke with my local ssa worker she req a letter from my dr. about the cancer moving to abdomen and says she will fax to state determination board to have claim expedited,,, i hope she will do as she says,,,, by the way i start a new round of cheomo/taxotere on friday/tomorrow,, i see your husband had that ,, how was his side effects?,,, i have already had carbo/taxol in the beginning,,, dr. says cancer from lung moved to abdomen,,, my joints ache some,, going for head/toe bone scan today,,, thanks again ginny for your support tell hubby hes in my prayers

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Dear Single (Let us know your first name)

My husband only had Taxotere and then only 3 treatments. I was given as preventative. Basically the side effects have been abdominal pain, but no vomiting and severe fatigue. But I think part of the fatigue has been that he has never fully recovered from one treatment before they do the next.

I hope you have good luck with this treatment, I only like good news.

Per the SSA, we (I that is) had to fill out a multi, multi page form listing all of Earl's doctors etc. The SSA sent something to these doctors, I am sure to get confirmation of the diagnosis. Have you done this form yet?

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Guest singlecancermom

hey ginny my first name is linda,,, i filled out all info entire claim for social security disability in february,, had one office visit a week later ,,, no word from ssa until i called the other day. my oncologist nurse told me back in late march early april they heard from ssa,, and sent all info in,, i only have 2 dr.,, if u like u can email my personal email,,, well on my way to chemo have a great day cyber hugs to everyone

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Guest Karen L

You have to be disabled for at least 5 months for SSA to consider your disablility. Generally, the date of disability is determined to be the last day you worked. You will not receive payment until the 6th FULL MONTH of disability. (My husband's last day worked was 9/11/02. 1st payment was 4/03)

Call SSA and find out who your caseworker is. See if they need any additional information. The more you can provide and help them, the quicker they can make their decision. (My husband's was decided in 10 days. I walked his application in and phoned the case worker the day we received his letter. He had a couple of questions and his case was closed the next day.)

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