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Chemo question


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I agree with Jim -- everyone is different and his/her case is different. You need to work with the onc, but keep yourself abreast of what is available. You can do that here. My wife started out with Taxotere/Carboplatin combination. Later, she had Nevelbine. Our next time probably would be something like Alimta. Best to you. Don

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Don and Jim are right - there is no test at the moment to tell which patient will respond to which therapy. From my reading, I think that your Mom has been having pretty aggressive treatment - I think that the cisplatin and gemcitabine (gemzar) combination is considered the 'gold standard' in terms of first-line therapy.

You will see from Jim's signature that he has tried many different drugs and has had his best results on the 6th line treatment!

Good luck.


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