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Did you see Tues. night episode of "House" SCLC-fe


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They portrayed a mid 30's, pregnant female w/ sclc. It was very interesting as I have never seen this on TV, they showed lc, a women, young and didn't mention smoking, just the horrors of what she was facing and decsions she needed to make.

I am sure it will repeat sometime.

Good for them (the show) for showing the invisible disease.


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Darn!!! I ALWAYS watch that show, I find it fascinating, and I watched the first 5 minutes, but then I shut it off. I saw the previews and knew it was about a woman my age, pregnant, with cancer, and I thought it might upset me too much. Had I known it was about lung cancer, I would have watched.

I'm hoping it had a happy ending, but my guess is that the story line had the baby survive and the mom pass away?

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I believe that Dr. House on the tv program made reference to a trial involving "angiognesis." Has any one considered Avastin (recently in trial), is a growth inhibiter, which is able to turn off tumor growth by starving the blood vessel supply. Atleast, that is my limited understanding.


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Jen, Yes! I saw the show! Bob was out and I was holding the remote for a change. I turned it on, not expecting to hear about small cell LC! I am glad it is finally on the TV and other news. The show was very sad, but the husband was finally "bonding" with his newborn son, at the end. BTW, has anyone heard if Peter Jennings has small cell, for sure? He is being rushed into chemo as if it is. Maybe a celebrity can help us to get some research going! Chins up and keep fighting! Love, Marge

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Hi guys,

I saw the show. Like that show, whoever he is who plays Dr. House is HOT (IMO) and I really want the head of the hospital to meet an untimely end :wink: However, as much as it mentioned LC, in fact, it was very untruthful in the presentation. No one at age around 30? i'm guessing that was her age, would have SCLC. That is very, very rare, and they never even broached the topic of what caused her disease. I think SCLC is a long term smokers disease and she just didn't fit the bill. However, at least TV tried to introduce the problem. But I do like that show. They make me laugh.


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O nuts! I like that show. I had to work evenings tuesday and missed it.

Every week he diagnoses and treats people with the most uncommon diseases, other doctors fail to diagnose. He does not have a winning and charming personality but he is persistant and risks even his job to get to the bottom of what is going on. I think he would be a great guy to have on your team.

Do you think that they were making a point that most doctors are really not looking for SCLC in a pregnant, young women , especially with blood clots. I hope I get to see it in reruns. Donna G

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Saw the show... love the show... now my pet peeve and this is sooooo critical of me and sooooooo "tacky" of me to mention but I have to ... what is it with the scalp of that administrator???? So many wrinkles??? he looks like one of those dogs with all the wrinkles on their coat... I know I am being mean, just had to say it.... so there... I DID!!! LOL.... Sharon

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I have just recently started watching House, and really liked it except for the jerk off hospital admin. I was actually going to stop watching it because of that whole thing, but hopefully after last week he'll be gone.

I much prefer the medical stories to the "I think I'm god because I'm rich" Admin story line.

I admit to almost feeling like I'd been hit in the gut when they diagnosed that woman with SCLC. I think that is the first time I've ever actually heard it specifically mentioned on TV.

Speaking of TV: Has anyone heard just what kind of lung cancer Peter Jennings has?

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I think I read somewhere that sclc is 99% due to smoking. With the patient on the show having had a sick child previously, I just couldn't see her as a former smoker. And I do wish they had revealed just a little bit more about the disease. I've been trying to reassure my husband that there's always hope, no matter the statistics and they are talking about how aggressive, immediate decision - which is all medically correct in her case I'm sure. I just didn't expect her to have SCLC and it was also hubby's first time to see the show.

And I agree - kick off that nasty administrator and I also agree, House is hot, scruffy beard and all. (He's from England and I think he does a great job on the non-accent). My sister and I both are hooked on the show and the star - even tho he could be our son. I think they have some very interesting "diseases" and diagnostic procedures. It's not the same oh.........................

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I had heard that the Doctor that plays him in Dr. House is the same guy that played the father role in the movie (Stewart Little). The show with the little white mouse???? Come to think of it, I read it in People magazine. Who would have thought. I like that show as well!

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