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Hubby is still doing ok. He had a great weekend last weekend, but has been a little draggy this week. I'm glad tomorrow's Friday, so he can catch up on rest. We still think the Tarceva is working. On our onc visit last Friday, the onc said we would wait a while before doing new scans to see how it's working, and we would wait even longer before doing another PET. I think the insurance companies must be really picky about frequent PET scans since they are so expensive. I think this last one was about $3,500.

The bad news is that our son has been in the hospital here in Indiana since Monday with serious pancreatitis. He will eventually be ok, but it's really bad this time. He's had it several times and each time it takes longer for his pancreas to heal. He's in a lot of pain and been pretty sick, but seemed a little better today and more responsive. He's starting to gripe, so I think that's a good sign. I doubt he will get out of there before the weekend at the earliest.

Well, just thought I'd let you all know what's been going on at our house. I've been having long days and late nights, so I've been absent from the board more than usual.

Everyone have a great weekend!



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Glad to hear that the Tarceva seems to be working. That's great news and also pleased tomorrow is Friday -- pleased for your hubby and myself. Sorry to hear about your son. I don't know much about pancreatitis but it doesn't sound pleasant. I hope he's home soon and on his way to a cure for it.

Gail P-M

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Peggy, dear Peggy,

You have had a pretty lousy last few years, your Dad, your sweetheart and your son. You must be one very strong and special lady not to collapse under all of this.

I agree with others that Don probably over did and that is why he is draggy. And I know a few people that have had pancreatitis and from what I understand it is not pleasant and that is an understatement.

Here comes a prayer that Don feels better and that your son is home soon and that the weather is beautiful in Indiana this weekend for you all to enjoy.

Peggy, don't forget to be kind to yourself.


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So glad to hear about hubby...but am sorry your son is again struggling with the pancreatitis. Sending healing thoughts his way...and doin' one of Betty's happy dances for hubby and Tarceva!

Hope you're taking care of you too, Peg...and not burning your candle at both ends!! We do miss you when you're not here, you know!

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Glad the Tarceva is working! Good sign. Hope your son does get home for the weekend - feeling pretty good himself!

Pet scans cost that much $$ here where I am too. In fact, we actually paid OURSELVES for mine - insurance co. said it was experimental and, after all, I did already have a CT scan. So why a Pet. Interesting - when you pay yourself the cost came down from $3500 to $2500. Anyhow - we challenged it and then did win. BUT just one more thing to fuss about!

Wishing all of you a GREAT weekend.


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Hope your husband perks up over the weekend.

Peggy, on my Dad's side of the family everyone had Chronic Pancreatitis with acute episodes. And I do mean everyone. I know that heavy alcohol use can cause this, but there is a familial form which occurs in the absence of alcohol use. That's what happened in my father's family. I certainly hope that your son's Physicians can find a way to treat this.

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First of all, it sounds like you need to take care of yourself. Sure hope for good news as far as your hubby is concerned . I'm so sorry to hear your son has been so ill. I hope he gets home this weekend and maybe you all can rest a bit. I recently spent about 2 weeks with 3 family members going through a medical crisis all at once. It is very draining.

I want you to know that I am keeping you and yours in my prayers...



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Thank you for all your kind and loving thoughts. Hubby is doing really well. We had a chance (FINALLY) to sit down and talk some tonight before I headed to the hospital.

Our son is not so good. He will survive this, but it wasn't a good day.

His lipase (the blood test they do for pancreatitis) went down some yesterday, so last night they added "all" liquids (up from clear liquids). He had pureed vegetable soup, milk and ice cream. His pain skyrocketed and this morning his lipase almost doubled. They now have him complete npo, except ice chips, for 3 days.

They finally got his pain under control with 100 mg. of demerol every 3 hours and ativan every 2-4 hours. The morphine wasn't getting the job done for the pain. They also added an antibiotic today and are going to give him nutrients via i.v. (I'm not sure how that will work. Some kind of specialist has to come in for this). They have also been giving him fluids, potassium, thiamin and folic acid via i.v.

Tomorrow will be his 6th day in the hospital, and he will be in there for an undetermined time. They think he may be moving into a chronic state with this; he has had it several times before but never this bad. Any and all prayers that anyone has time to offer to God are very much appreciated.

He doesn't typically have very good coping skills, and while he isn't doing "great" coping with this, he's coping better than I would have expected. That's good news. Of course, I'm sure the drugs they're giving him are helping with that, too.

I'm going to sleep in tomorrow morning - so there! :lol::lol:

Love to all,


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Hi Peggy,

So glad your husband is doing better. I feel so bad that you son is having such a tough time. It is so hard for a mother to have to see her son is such pain. It tears at your heart. I don't know what that desease is, but it really sounds very serious.

I pray for his healing.

You take care of yourself Betty.


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