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Results, anyone?


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I have lots of those -- results. The only problem is that they just lead to umpteen more tests, and they don't really tell much.

Well, today the Oncologist seemed to have about enough of that, and we're going to biopsy (FNA - fine needle aspiration) one of the spots on my liver that appears to be new, and is the largest of the lot at barely 3 cm.

My pancreas is much improved since the biliary sepsis was fixed, so that's good. They suspect a clot (portal vein thrombosis) and will see what that looks like with Ultrasound.

Tommorrow I'll have the FNA followed by the US -- the woman checking me out today really worked a miracle getting both these done on the same day and so fast! If the US confirms a clot, I'll be on blood thinners for a while.

If the biopsy confirms mets, then it's on to Topotecan for me. Unless, that is, it is a new cancer and not mets which she doesn't think is very likely, but you never know.

I think she's at the point with these radiologists where she's saying "ok, you guys keep pointing out "maybes" on all her scans, so PROVE IT!" Guess what - so am I!!

So, I'll know about the ultrasound probably Friday, and the biopsy next week some time. I have an appointment Tuesday to see the oncologist for results, so will hope she has them by then.

This not great news, but I feel MUCH better. Physically, my stomach stuff is going away after the gallbladder troubles, and mentally, now that there is a PLAN, I feel lots and lots better.

Will let you know when I know something. We're not talking dire circumstances here, at least not yet, but some stuff that has to be dealt with, and is at a very early stage. So, that's good news, I think.


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