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Lung Cancer Event - Need Ideas PLEASE


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For the last 2 years, I organized a l/c walk in the Chicago area. This year, for the 1st time, there is a HUGE and fantastic lung cancer race happening in Chicago for the 1st time on Sept 10th. While it makes sense to do this run in Sept (since it is SO cold in Nov. here), I am feeling an urge to do something to honor LCAM. I am thinking of doing something different ...

I am looking for ideas, but I frankly do not want to put a ton of work into something, because I just dont have the time. I was thinking about a candlelight vigil (to honor those who have l/c or have passed from it), some spin on a small walk, or a party (maybe one that would include a Pac-Man tournment, an 80's theme, etc --- just because it would be fun --- we could require certain dress, like no white or black - you must wear color because for once, l/cancer wont be invisible and will provide us with some fun). I also had a thought of something like "Lung to Lung event, aimed at preventing the #1 cancer killer" - this could be a candlelight vigil and also an event where people literally spread out and touch, with one hand holding their chest where the lung is, and the other holding another person's back where the lung is (sort of like hands across america). We stay there for a moment of silence & prayer - and could do that with the candlelight vigil. It would be awesome to have others do that as well in various cities. And we could charge a small fee & even raise some $.

Any thoughts? What do you like best? Any other ideas?



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