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Newcomer with NSCLC


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I thought I had a real problem until I read some of these posting yesterday and today. I am:

52 yr/old female

Dx 4/8/05 with NSCLC adenocarcinoma 2 Stage 1A's or one Stage 1B.

Had surgery 5/16/2005 to remove upper right lobe

I was "on the fence" as to whether or not to have the recommended chemo. I finally decided to go through with it starting 6/14/05 using Carbo/Taxol 4 to 6 treatments. They start in the morning. Margie

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Welcome, Margie. I'm sorry you've had reason to seek us out, but glad you are here.

There are many you can ask for possible side effects of chemo, "quick fixes" for some of them and complete empathy for the ones that cannot be gotten rid of.

Take care,


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In recent times chemo for Stage I is recommended because of "micrometastasis" they are unable to see on pathology at surgery. I think you made a wise decision. Keep us posted. Donna G

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:) Hello Margie and good luck to you in your treatment. This site is wonderful and you will get advice,encouragement, hope, and true friendship with the wonderful people here. I love this site and it has helped me thru my darkest days with my husband and his illness. God bless you,Nancy C
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Welcome Margie to the most wonderful place none of us really wants to be! :roll::wink: However, we are all very grateful to have this place, and I hope you find as much comfort and information here as I have.

I'm also glad to hear you feel off that fence on the side of Chemo! It just makes common sense to do that, in my humble opinion. They can't be 100% sure they got it all, so why not do a little EARLY PREVENTION!

I did my chemo 10 years ago, and I had very few problems doing it. Hope you have the same good luck I had.

Stay positive and keep coming back.

Good luck and God Bless,


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Hi Margie,

My husband was diagnoised with 1B. Had a lobe remove and is going through preventive chemo. Same as what you will be getting carbo/taxol. His was 5 treatments 3 weeks apart, 5 hours each session.

Usually does it on a Thurs. so when the pain comes, it hits him on the weekend, so Iam home.

He tolerated it very well. The chemo itself when it is administered does not have any effects. It kicks in about 3 days later. The side effect is from the taxol, can give you leg pain. Kinda feels like he is getting the flu. He takes pain meds for that which helps him. My messaging his legs is also a great help. It last about 3 or 4 days, and thats is, he starts to feel himself again. Some people get neaseuated, but there is drugs to help control that.

The doctor told him to start taking advil right away as that will help lesson the leg pain. When the pain kicks in he takes Perosets.

Good luck, you will get through this and you certainly did the right decision to go through with this. :D


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