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We've heard that patience is a virtue. Well, I have always been sadly lacking in it I'm a go-go-go type (not Type A, but just a doer). God has been trying to teach me patience over the years. This morning my lovely bride was not feeling well and I moved in to get her comfortable and eating/drinking. Later Lucie said to me, "You are so patient with me and I love you for it!" Wow! Maybe an old dog can learn new things. I feel so blessed. Don

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It is certainly evident that an "old dog" can continue to learn about deepening love. Your posts about you and your wife always warm my heart and renew my faith in "man"kind ( :wink: ). I hope Lucie is feeling more comfortable and that her appetite has improved.

Fondest Regards.

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I am constantly amazed when I read your posts about the depth of love and caring that you express for your wonderful Lucie and how kind and thoughtful you are to the rest of us. Add patience to this and you have become 'WONDER MAN'

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You sure are a sweet man and I agree with Karma that Lucie is lucky to have you. If there is any "good" that comes out of the cancer it is certainly welcome. Part of the most touching part of watching my Mom and Dad go through this disease was my Dads caring for my Mom... He absolutely adores her!

Laurie :D

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Don and Lucie,

Here's my take on Patience, "When your in the Longest Line at the Grocery Store that is Gods way of teaching us PATIENCES!" So now everytime you go the the store you will giggle to yourself! :D:D Not as serious as living with cancer, but non the less, it goes to show that we are never to old to learn and listen to what God is trying to teach us.

I have NO DOUBT that Lucie is a very lucky wife to have you in her corner and at her side. I'm even glad that we are able to have you in our corner and at our sides. Your a DEAR!!! My hubby has the patiences of a SAINT as well!! BLESS HIS HUGE HEART AS WELL!! Where would be we be without our Caregivers and Loved Ones??? :)

Bless your HUGE HEART!!!

Warm and Gentle Hugs,

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