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Hugh's facial numbness


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Well, we gave it the weekend and Hugh took sinus decongestents all weekend. The numbness in his face hasn't gone away and the onc's nurse finally called back just a few minutes ago and told me Hugh has to have an MRI tomorrow. Hugh has been feeling SO good and now I am just sick about all of this. The nurse says all the right things but I just know this is something awful. I have all these horrible things in my mind. I again broke my #1 steadfast rule and started surfing the internet and I found all kinds of horror stories to look at. After about a half hour I made myself get off the net and come here to vent. I know better than to look stuff up like that, but sometimes I am just weak. I go there hoping to find a lot of positive stuff on "facial numbness" and you can guess what I found. YUCK! I HATE this test stuff and just when I thought we were okay for a couple of months.....

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Hi Candy...A few years back I had the right side of my face go numb and eventually I could not close my eye or use the right side of my mouth. Needless to say I was scared to death! It turned out I had Bells Paulsey, an inflammation of the 7th facial nerve. Not only did it take several weeks to go away, but I got it back on the left side of my face several years later! One more thing, when my daughter started college she called home one afternoon and she too had come down with it! We found out that it can sometimes run in the family! I had to take steriods to get the inflammation down and then wait for the nerves to start working again. It sure was hard trying to sleep when your one eye wouldn't close!!! The doctor told me it is caused when someone gets a cold, flu or something of the like and then it settles in the 7th nerve. Not knowing can sometimes be worse than the actual report. Please try to think positive and put your trust in the Lord. He will take care of you.


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Dear Candy,

You are between the proverbial rock and a hard place when it comes to which is more difficult...the not knowing or the knowledge. The seemingly minute-to-minute shifts in the status of the rotten disease are terribly stressful. Thinking of you and Hugh and praying for negative results.

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I know, I know, I am the same way but try to think positive that whatever it is can be taken care of since you are nipping it in the bud. Maybe its just a temporary thing caused by the chemo. I have numbness in my toes and fingers that is caused by the Taxol. Will be praying for you, please keep us posted

Bess B

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