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Coping with side effects

Guest ziggytwo

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Guest ziggytwo

Hello! Thanks to all who responded to my intro posts. My husband has now had his second Alimta treatment. He does fine until about three days afterwards then all the side effects kick in. He can't eat (won't take nausea meds due to side effects) and is so irritable. I was advised to back off on trying to "make" him eat and work on getting food he might get down. This usually goes on for about five days and then he starts to feel better. The not eating bothers me because I see him losing so much weight and I hate eating in front of him. The irritability leads to him smoking even more(he keeps trying to quit but goes back to them). He has a real phobia about meds of any kind. I can put up with the irritability (I just ignore his remarks). Any suggestions on what foods might be good for him to try? He doesn't like the liquid meal replacements and yesterday couldn't stomach a cup of tea. He seems to be able to eat toast, apple juice and some soups.


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He needs to eat. We found that snacks every 2-3 hours works better than three squares. It also keeps down the nausea. We went with Ensure, Breeze, Frosties, Smoothies (you can make your own in the blender), ice cream, etc. The normal chemo side effects usually show up after several days from the IV. Good luck. Don

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The one thing that comes to mind is to keep feeding him what he will eat and then add something else to try. Crackers are kind of like toast..

cranberry/apple is kind of like apple

apple sauce has fiber in it.

and casseroles are kind of like soups.

As long as he is eating something.

When I had nausea (not from chemo) I ate a cracker called Stoned Wheat Thins imported from Canada, chevre cheese, and fresh (only) squeezed orange juice. I don't know why I couldn't tolerate other foods...it is a mystery. But, it is real.

Try little bits of things to put in front of him and see what he will eat.

And you better keep eating too! Don't feel guilty about eating in front of him for heavens sake. If it makes him sick to watch you then he needs to go in the other room.

Cindi o'h

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what worked for me when I went through my treatment was to eat a little bit but kind of grazed constantly (like Don said) I never really had a completely empty stomach.. then the thought of food was really sickening. Plus I ate whatever sounded good.. no matter what it was and if it sounded good I ate it over and over again. chicken noodle soup for breakfast lunch and dinner, for two days all I ate were eggs because that's all that sounded good to me... When I went through radiation for days on end all I ate were popcicles and ice cream. That's all I felt I could eat. (just rootbeer popcicles-yum!) I wouldn't keep trying to force the idea just make some suggestions and if he can eat soup give him lots of soup... maybe a bit or two of whatever then switch backto the soup. If I thought about food too much it made me queazy so I didn't think about it I just grazed on stuff all day and didn't eat any big meals. Sometimes I would make myself something and then I'd only end up eating a bit or two then it didn't taste good so I'd pitch it and make something else. I guess what I'm trying to say is not to dwell on it too much.. It's WAY important and he has to eat but sometimes the more you think about it the more you don't want to. I would, however, make sure he eats, eats, EATS when he starts feeling better. That may help get him through those really rough chemo days...

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I agree with everyone here that has posted.

I also gargle every morning with warm water and baking soda, helps the saliva in the mouth. Taste buds have changed and nothing tastes really good.

Grazinmg. small portions of different food availabel at all times..

Lots of different juices, flavored water, FUZE is great.

Just keep trying, there are days I have to check to make sure I have eaten.

I am sure your care for him will be the key in the long run.

good luck


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Dear Ziggy, Your post was so important to me. My husband didn't have a reaction after his first or second round of Alimta but a few days after his third treatment he became really nasty to all of us and then went to bed for about 24 hours! I didn't know what to make of it...now I know. Thanks for sharing your experience.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest ziggytwo

Sorry but I am duplicating some info I posted in other threads.

Our good news from my husband's oncologist was reinforced by a follow-up to his radiation oncologist. No mets are showing on the CT scan at all. The previous ones in the lymph nodes have totally dissolved and the original tumor site (right lung upper lobe) has decreased in size even more since he started the Alimta w/Zometa infusion.

We are dealing better with the side effects but sometimes the irritability makes us both crazy. He says things he doesn't mean but they still hurt. I try to hold my tongue and stay calm but doesn't always work. But, we're in this together and will see it through. We definitely think he is responding so well, we can't turn back now.

He had his 3rd Alimta treatment with an infusion of Zometa on July 26th. We are definitely noticing a pattern settling in with the side effects. He feels fairly good for the firt 3-4 days then FATIGUE sets in and he becomes so IRRITABLE that he goes into rages sometimes. I try to step lightly but he simply can't control some of this. His rash comes on about one week after treatment. He puts Aloe Vera gel (Fruit of the Earth is best) on it and it stops the itching. He also experiences LOSS OF APPETITE. He knows he needs to eat but doesn't have any appetite. He tries really hard to eat whatever he can. By about 10 days after he starts to perk up, the irritability is still there but gets a little worse and he can eat more. By about 12 days afterward he starts getting hungry again!

He has three more treatments to go since the results are very encouraging. The lymph node mets are completely dissolved and no bone mets are showing up either (could be too small) and the original tumor has shrunk even more than it did with radiation and the original chemo. So, we are going to stick it out for the next nine weeks.

On the good days we are also trying to play for the future some -- that wasn't happening when I joined this site. So things are changing for the better all around - Lord willing.

My prayers are with all of you -- we need one another and I am thankful every day for finding this site.


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These can be touch times Ziggy. Chemo changed my taste buds and they still are right. One thing my husband really pushed me to eat was yogurt shakes. I could taste just a little the flavored ones such as black cherry. As one person said drinking is very important. praying for you both. pammie

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so sorry to hear you are having a rough time

i used a product that body builders use it is called myloplex it is a protean/vitamin supplament powder. i would make my own fruit smoothies with this

even if i could only drink a few sips at least i knew it was neutrisious ( oh my spelling is terrable ) it can be thick so i only would use half a package with my smoothie. i did alot of experimenting with this stuff. using different juices, fruit combo's etc.... small meals with the protein drink and more protein drinks in between really helped me! hope this helps you.....!!!!!

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