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We went to Moffit yesterday for FU with the onc. Scan showed multiple liver tumors. We were stunned. He also said they were finally able to determine that it was all lung cancer, not 2 primaries.

Of course now my husband regrets having the liver surgery, it is still so painful for him, but it was a risk he was willing to take, the payoff would have been worth it.

The plan is chemo, carboplaten and alimta and I talked the dr. into adding avastin. At first he said it is not FDA approved for lung cancer and I told him I knew that he could give it to him and he said yes he could. We talked more, and as he starting considering it he got more enthusiastic. Ken got a B-12 shot yesterday, is having a brain MRI today (can't have avastin if you have brain mets). First chemo next Thurs.

I want to thank everyone on this board. The information you share is so helpful. I would not have known I could push for the avistin if I had not been coming here. There is so much valuable info here and it really makes you feel not so helpless.

We are leaving Thurs. to go to his family reunion in KY. Hopefully, that will cheer Ken up some, he is really down now. He is also really worried about getting sick from the chemo. He didn't before, but a nurse told him cisplaten makes you very sick. He is getting carboplaten and I don't know if that is the same. Any info on side effects of the 3 drugs would be helpful. Would also like to hear from anyone getting Avistin. Thanks so much.

Karen H


Hi Karen, this may ease your Hubbie's fears...I had very few/minimal side effects from carboplaten. A little bit of nausea, which the pills handled easily, don't wait for the nausea, take the pills immediately. I did not miss a day of work and overall felt pretty good. Hope it is the same for him.



Take the meds as a preventative measure. I did well on both carbo and cisplat. The cisplat caused a lot of nerve damage in my feet so make sure if he is on it to tell the Dr if he starts getting numbness or tingling in the feet or hands. It took 7-8 mos of tx before it hit me.



Hi Karen,

I cant help with side effects but did want to tell you that you are both in my prayers and that I hope the reunion is just what Ken needs!!

God Bless You Both,



Sorry I cannot help your with your question.

But I hope you have a great time at the family reunion.




All three chemo drugs have different side effects, none of which are experienced the same in different people. However, I can tell you that carbo left my mom with a weird taste in her mouth. She described it as all her food tasted too salty. Couldn't eat beef when on it either.

Avastin will knock the crap out of Ken around day 3 or 4. Expect him to get up, eat breakfast, nap, have lunch, nap, have dinner and go to bed. My mom also gets a lot of pain in the chest from the Avastin along with bone flares - pain in the pelvic bones and sometimes in the knees. She also has neuropathy from previous chemo, and it is worsened on days 3-8 or so. Her fingernails got really thick and the front half of the nails look dead and she has horizontal ridges near the nail bed.

Nausea can be managed, but tell your hubby to take the anti nausea meds prescribed even if he's not nauseated - it will help stave off the queasiness.

He might get diarrhea, too. Have some Immodium on hand.

Again, I reiterate, no two people get the same side effects, and your hubby may do well on this regimen. but at least if he starts to have some of these (and other)symptoms, you will at least know that it is normal :roll: and to be expected.

best wishes to you,



My friend had carboplatin and did really well on it. I know that these drugs affect people differently but I believe that it is generally considered to be less harsh than cisplatin.

Have a great reunion!



You've had a real roller-coaster ride so far, haven't you? Sounds like to reuinion will be an UP part. Best wishes to both of you and hope the reuinion and change of location give you and Ken a nice break.


Len had carboplatin and really very little reaction. The onc gave him the antidotes for nausea, allergic reaction, etc., before the chemo and it seemed to do the trip. We had the prescription for the anti-nausea drugs but never had to take it. He did, at the end, have a little diarrhea, and his blood count fluctuated dramatically, but that was about all. Good luckQ



Thank you everyone. Just read TAann's tale of horror with her Altima treatment. Just broke my heart. Only hope Ken will not have it so hard.

To make things worse my mom just went into the hospital yesterday. I spent all morning in the ER with her. Not sure what is wrong may be a blockage in her small intestine. They are doing a CAT scan today, she may need surgery. Ken said we did not have to go to KY for the reunion. I hate to leave my mom, but I know she would be really mad if we didn't go. I also know Ken feels like this is the last time he will see his family. I checked for nearest airports and flights, so I know I can fly back here if necessary. 6 of mom's 7 kids live here so I know she will be looked after while I am gone, but it is still hard.

Will not be able to get back on the boards for a week. As always I will keep everyone in my prayers. Thanks.

Karen H


You are right to go on the trip. Your mom would feel worse if she felt responsible for keeping Ken and his family from having this important reuinion. Mom's only feel better when they can give their children what they need, right? Best wishes for all of your family.



Agree with what everyone has posted, each is different.

The first carb/taxol/avastin treatment I had some upset stomach. Second one they upped the premeds for nasuea and I had very little reaction. Lost my hair. Some days I feel very low energy and on those days I rest a lot. Some times I feel like my intestines are a cauldron of brew stirring with eye of newt and all sorts of nasties.

In general I am having few problems with the combination.

Glad you fought for the avastin, if it was not for this board I would not know how I would deal with all this.

Take care.


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